Mysteries of the Deep Web, part 6: What are the worst rumors about DW?

deep web


light, camera, running

In this sector of the internet, it would finally be possible to find snuff movies, movies where the actor is actually killed on camera. But the associated videos are just lame with good scene tricks. There is still no proof of the existence of snuff movies, even off the web. The urban legend around them emerged in the 70s, when distributor Allan Schakleton created a new ending for Massacre, a box office failure released in 1972. He renamed the film as Snuff, spread the rumor that the actress really died in the final scene, and that’s it: a crowd believed and queued to see the rubbish

deep web

No feet or head?

Who would have thought that an image of mannequins from Madame Tussaud’s famous Wax Museum would be used to claim that humans were being beheaded on the Deep Web? The photo was clicked after a fire that occurred on March 19, 1925 and damaged arms, heads and other details of the dolls. All it took was a clever caption for the crowd to get upset

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Faceless or faceless?

Supposedly, the US government holds photographic evidence of supernatural events, kept under lock and key so as not to cause public panic. But someone would have leaked some of them, which show faceless people amid crowds. Nothing to do: they are montages inspired by a Lotus publicity action, from 2008

A Barbie for Freaks

The plot is worthy of a horror movie: surgeons would be acquiring children from 8 to 10 years old in orphanages or miserable families to transform them into living sex dolls. Arms and legs would be swapped for silicone limbs and vocal cords for rubber. The freak would be sold on the Darknet, but the balela has several inconsistencies. The expense of such surgeries (including the cases that would not work) would be higher than the sale price of the dolls (supposedly US$ 40,000). In addition, it is claimed that the guinea pigs come from Eastern Europe, but there is a heavy bureaucracy to remove a child

«Geniuses» of crime

The existence or not of hired assassins on the secret web is controversial (Click here to learn more). Some rumors are laughable, exaggerating the description of the death and the price of the service. One alleges that half of the payment is upfront and the other half is made at the crime scene – which makes no sense, as the contractor runs the risk of incriminating himself.

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performance freak

A «demon girl», also popular among bloggers who believe in any content “coming from the Deep Web”, it is actually a 1999 work by the Chinese Zhu Ming. Considered one of the great exponents of the Asian avant-garde, he gained fame with performances with huge plastic bubbles around the world. Check out his other works by clicking here.

the german cannibal

Information circulates that it was through the Deep Web that, in 2001, the German software engineer Bernd Jürgen Brandes voluntarily volunteered to be eaten by the cannibal Armin Meiwes, in a crime that shocked public opinion at the time. Meiwes amputated the victim’s penis, they both ate the «delicacy», and Brandes died shortly afterwards. But the contact between them rolled in the common network

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Summoning Satan

The technical and artistic quality of this image should already be clear: it is a professional work, not an amateur snapshot of some demonic ritual! The author is the Ukrainian photographer Olia Pishchanska, who uses scenes from her homeland in essays with a sinister tone, full of atmosphere. Check out a video with the best images

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zero grade in science

Another “misappropriation” of the seventh art: “leaked” images along with a long description about horrible science experiments performed on human guinea pigs are scenes of The Human Centipede 2 (2011). Just reading the text is enough to suspect: it is full of spelling errors and the author has terrible knowledge of science or medicine

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evil nurses

This and other photos from the Imperial War Museum in London show adults and children wearing gas masks at the start of World War II – a preventive measure in the face of a possible German attack with toxic gases, as happened in World War I. It has no relation to «Ghoulish Covert Operations» as they claim on the Deep Web

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hollywood thing

Another joker tried to justify the existence of child killers on the Darknet with a photo of the thriller The Children of Fear (1979). The film is directed by David Cronenberg, an expert in cinematic oddities, such as The fly (1986) and eXiztenZ (1999). In the plot, deformed children commit disturbing crimes

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climbing the walls

girls with telekinetic gifts? Possessed by the devil? Involved in witchcraft? Try something more innocent: ballerinas. The photo is from a performance organized by Pina Bausch (1940-2009), considered one of the most influential artists in modern dance. The show is called Barbe Bleue, it’s from 1977 and is on YouTube. Click here to watch.

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The ET that was a robot

Another photo «extracted» from the dark depths supposedly proves the existence of extraterrestrials. The Americans would have even conducted an autopsy on one of them, in the secret laboratories of Area 51. Nothing to do: the image is of an animatronic (robot that simulates movements) made by Disney studios for a pavilion of the World Fair in New York in 1964

UFC is chip

This rumor is a variant of the “snuff movies”: instead of videos with the death of actors, the dark area of ​​the world wide web would have real fights to the death, broadcast live via streaming for fans and punters. The “gladiators” would fight each other and even wild animals. But, again, there is no concrete evidence of the existence of these events.


Part 1: What is the Deep Web?

Part 2: Is every site on the Deep Web evil?

Part 3: How does it make your browsing secret?

Part 4: What are the worst crimes that occur there?

Part 5: Which criminals have been arrested?


What was the most visited website in a single day?

Why are some internet addresses .com and others .net?

How do search engines work?

CONSULTANCYIlya Lopes, Awareness & Research specialist at Eset Brasil, Thomas Soares, engineer and deputy coordinator of Associação Software Livre, Denis Shestakov, postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media Technology at Aalto University, in Finland, and Media Center Independent from Rio de Janeiro

SOURCESWebsitesBright Planet,World Wide WebSizeIt isAnonymousbooksTheDeep Web: Surfacing Hidden Valueby Michael K. Bergman, andSampling the National Deepby Denis Shestakov

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