Fly infestation (myiasis) is an extremely painful and serious disease in rabbits caused by flies that lay their eggs on rabbits’ bodies and whose larvae can eat through the affected animals’ bodies. The disease occurs mainly in the warm summer months, as rabbits are often exposed to flies during this time. If left untreated, myiasis can lead to the death of affected animals. The disease is closely linked to poor hygiene and existing health problems and primarily affects rabbits kept outdoors.
Myiasis is caused by different species of flies. The flies are attracted by the smell of open sores, feces and urine, and warm, moist areas, usually around the anal area if contaminated with feces, which can be caused by diarrhea. The flies lay their eggs (each fly can lay up to 200 eggs) and the larvae can hatch within a few hours. The larvae or maggots feed on the skin of the animal.
Within 24 hours, they can penetrate the skin and eat through the rabbit’s muscles and other tissues.