My son is addicted to TikTok, what do I do? – Online Psychologists

A few days ago Mercedes contacted us very worried, although it was not because of a problem of hers. Her email is frank and direct: “My son is addicted to TikTok, what do I do?”

The decision to seek psychological care is already a good first step. It is not always easy to detect a non-substance addiction. And often, the addict's environment does not give it the importance it deserves. That is why the psychologist who attends to her request does not hesitate to make it clear to Mercedes that she has done well in contacting us. And, in a matter of days, her son is immersed in a therapy process that will help him get off TikTok.

What are non-substance addictions?

When we talk about non-substance addictions or behavioral addictions we are referring to a behavior that is repeated very frequently and without control.

At first glance, a non-substance addiction may seem less dangerous than alcoholism or drug addiction. However, non-substance addictions can become very dangerous. Limitations For those who suffer from them, they hinder the normal development of their lives and can even significantly modify their routines.

Social media addictions are not the only ones within this type of addiction. There are many others, such as gambling addiction, shopping addiction, sex addiction or work addiction.

What is TikTok addiction?

We have already talked about addictions to other social networks, such as Tinder.

Today we are going to talk about the TikTok addictionThe short video app is one of the most popular apps at the moment, with 1.4 billion active users each month.

We can say that A TikTok addict is someone who spends an extreme amount of time checking the social network. In addition, the frequency of visits and the length of time they take increase over time. In this way, addiction prevents the person from leading a normal life.

However, it is of no use to cut off the use of the application altogether. Like any addict, depriving him of the pleasurable stimulus will cause him to experience great amounts of discomfort that can translate into sadness, nervousness and even aggression.

If you think you are addicted to TikTok, don't hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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Not sure if you're addicted to TikTok? Here are the symptoms

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Trinidad and Tobago analyzed the behavior of TikTok users. The results revealed that 6.4% of users were at risk of developing an addiction to the platform.

The TikTok addiction symptoms are:

  • Using the platform excessively.
  • Experiencing nervousness, irritability, anxiety or sadness when unable to access the application.
  • Obsessively thinking about TikTok.
  • Using TikTok to forget about personal problems.
  • Trying to reduce consumption, without success.
  • Having trouble concentrating and performing tasks normally.

Why are there more and more people addicted to TikTok?

The answer is simple: because TikTok was designed to be addictive. That's what tech expert Matthew Brennan discovered after studying the app's algorithm.

According to Brennan, the secret to his success lies in Using an algorithm that learns what you like thanks to machine learning.

You might be thinking: “But TikTok isn’t the only platform that shows one content or another based on the tastes of its users.” True, it’s not the only one, but it is the one that does it the fastest. This is because it is an application dedicated exclusively to showing short videos.

The maximum duration of these is one minute, but many last much less. In this way, TikTok manages to collect a considerable amount of information about your tastes in a matter of minutes.

In other apps, «the system gets less feedback,» Brennan says, “On TikTok, you are constantly interacting with the app. Even when you are not, you are still giving them information.”

How to help a child who is addicted to TikTok?

If you have a child who has developed an addiction to TikTok, you should know that you can help them. But don't rush to confiscate their phone, far from it. Let's not demonize the use of this or any other app.

On the contrary, we recommend that you try to understand that, for young people, this app is a way of expressing themselves and communicating with their peers. Used rationally, it can even be a source of learning.

So try to be understanding with your child and let him know that you do not judge him for developing an addiction. To help him, you can:

  • Show interest in their tastes and ways of communicating. By removing the taboos you have built around social media, your child will be able to use social media freely. By preventing them from using it in secret, you will be able to better control the amount of time they spend glued to the screen and understand their usage patterns.
  • Set rules or time limits for the entire family. Do you know what the best thing you can do to help your children learn to use their mobile phones responsibly is to lead by example! Therefore, establish clear rules about their use and make sure that the whole family follows them.
  • Promote alternative activities. If your child is addicted to TikTok, he or she may need to spend more time with his or her friends. You can also get him or her to sign up for an extracurricular activity, such as English or some kind of sport. And when he or she is at home, try to spend quality time together as a family: do interesting activities, talk about your day and your feelings, cook… There are hundreds of options!
  • Seek professional help. A psychology professional has the knowledge necessary to teach your child how to use TikTok responsibly.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.