My partner doesn't accept the breakup, what can I do? – Online Psychologists

Breaking up with someone you love is never easy, and in most relationships there is always one person who loves more and feels more intensely.

When everything starts to go wrong and the best step is to leave the relationship, Most likely the most affected person will not accept it. And this is bad for both of you. The person who leaves will feel guilty and will not be able to rebuild his life because he will have someone waiting for him to come back, and the person who is left will feel sad, will not be able to accept that you have left him and will always be waiting for you to come back.

Your ex will probably try to convince you that this time it will be different, that he or she will not lie to you again or that everything bad is over. These are all promises that we won't care about if we are sure of our decision.

Healing begins when we allow ourselves to feel the pain of a breakup, but remember that we are more than our past relationships, and that we deserve a love that complements us rather than consumes us.

Dr. Jane Peterson

My partner doesn't want us to break up

You might be wondering Why your partner won't let you end the relationship if it's best for both of us.

First, we have to understand that a relationship cannot end so suddenly. If it has been true, there will always be feelings that cannot go away from one day to the next. and, as a consequence, the other person's reactions will be anything but sensible, mature and rational.

His reaction is driven by emotion. The other person wonders why, why you left them, why you don't want to be with them, etc. A relationship does not arise from a calculated and planned assessment, relationships arise from chance and spontaneity. We can't expect the breakup to be planned if it never started that way.

How to break up with your partner

To start, you need to understand that breakups are never easy and that it will hurt the other person (and probably you too). a breakup we cannot expect the other person not to suffer since these are accompanied by things that are not pleasant.

However, it is important that you do not feel sorry for your decision, you cannot be with a person for whom you no longer feel the same because in the short term, it will be the worst for both of you. Think that whatever you do, it is impossible for him not to suffer.

If you have already communicated the decision to him and he continues to talk to you, does not leave you alone or harasses you, that is, does not accept the breakup, You can follow a series of steps:

It may sound harsh, but getting away from him or her It's the most sensible way to make things go well. Block him from the social networks where you have him in common, avoid him showing up at work in any way, don't go to the places you used to go together or where you know he usually hangs out, and of course, don't talk to him or call him. The less contact, the better.

If you continue seeing or talking to each other, it is likely that the other person's feelings will continue to flourish and he or she will not be able to forget you. He will always be aware of you, where you are, when you will be able to meet up or if you will talk to him.

2. Don't ask about your ex

It must be remembered that Your partner is desperately waiting for you to come back or that you show the slightest indication that might make him think that you are going to get back together.

Also You may start to doubt your decision.Therefore, it is best to forget about it and not ask about it. You can do activities that entertain you such as sports, reading, cooking, etc.

Many times there are people who at the time of breaking up They are not clear about it or they are simply trying to give hope to the other person so that they do not have such a bad time. Saying things like: “Maybe we’ll get back together in the future”, “I don’t want anything right now, but maybe in a while I will” or anything else along those lines, makes it so that the other person can’t forget you because they’ll be waiting for the day when you tell them you’re coming back.

Grief has to happen, you can't let it eat your head thinking that you're going to come back when you won't. (and seeing that you don't do it will make it worse), so it is best to be clear from the beginning and even if it feels like a bucket of cold water, it will only be for the first few days, then he will start to rebuild his life and he will not even remember.

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How can you accept that the relationship is over?

Surely it has happened to you that you have not been able to accept a breakup or you have simply wondered what the other person can do to get over it.

Recognizing sadness

When a relationship ends you have to face a duel. These are probably the most painful days of our lives, however, it is good to feel sadness and get it out. We must keep in mind that we must resort to tools to be able to get out of that constant state of sadness.

On the other hand, Just as we have said that sadness is useful, depression is not.We must be aware that sadness is temporary, but if it becomes more serious, it is best to consult a psychologist.

Elevates the mood

The most well-known tactic is that of practice social activities such as eating, going to the cinema, shopping, playing sports, etc. In other words, not isolating yourself and keeping yourself busy doing things you like.

Although crying is also necessary and sadness is useful, we must prioritize distracting ourselves. If you don't want to leave the house, you can also make some popcorn and watch Netflix.

Aerobic exercise It is very effective because it seems to be based on its power to change the physiological condition caused by the mood: feeling sad constitutes a state of low activation and aerobics raises body tone. For this reason, relaxation techniques such as mindfulness work adequately to treat anxiety, but not sadness.

Giving gifts to yourself It is one of the most beneficial sensory pleasures for combating sadness. There is nothing that a treat can't fix.

Change your mind and start seeing things from another perspective

It may be more difficult at the beginning of the breakup, but as we get better at it, We will reconsider and rethink the negative aspects of the relationship. and we will realize that maybe it wasn't right for us.

The ability to block and not get wrapped up in sad, negative thoughts, and accept that the past is simply memories that build us and make us grow as people. It's up to you, your mind and your self-control. If you accept the situation, you will be able to move on.

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