My dog ​​is unresponsive when he sees other dogs

yours otherwise well mannered Dog has cotton in his ears, is not available when he sees other dogs and you are absolute for him not interesting?

If your dog is not available when he sees other dogs, this is not only extremely embarrassing in some cases. It can also lead to very dangerous situations.

It doesn’t have to be like this! Why is it that a dog can’t hear outside and what can you do about it?

You will find out in the following article.

Dog can no longer be called up when he sees other dogs – 4 possible causes

Your dog suddenly stops responding to you when he sees other dogs?

These are the 4 most common causes making sure your dog doesn’t in these situations available can be:

  1. Your dog does not want to to you of you.
  2. your dog is diverted, especially from other dogs.
  3. Your dog don’t understandt what you want from him at this moment.
  4. Your dog does not hear.

Dog not available with other dogs: You can do that

«Why is my dog ​​ignoring me?» Almost every dog ​​owner knows this question.

But what to do if the dog suddenly stops hearing? just keep going hoping he’ll come back someday?

No! If your dog stops listening, you’re completely uninteresting in these situations, then it is Time to act.

Your dog should be available at all times. Otherwise is Trouble with other dog owners inevitably and in the worst case it can become one dangerous accident come.

dogs, which not available are as soon as they see another dog should be aware not leashless run.

I’ll list you now 5 simple solutions. With the help of these, you will know in the future what you can do if your dog does not listen to you in such situations:

Your dog doesn’t want you

Dogs can be small to large be selfish. They only do something if it is worthwhile for them. Why should the dog come back to you when everything else is more interesting than you?

Motivate your dog. What does he like most? Treats or his ball? Your dog needs to learn it is much better with you than anywhere else. With you there is endless fun, everything else is boring.

That way, he’s guaranteed to come back every time, because you’re the best place to be.

Your dog is distracted by, above all, other dogs

If your dog is quickly separated from other dogs turn and not paying attention to yourself and your signals, you should first practice the retrieval without any distractions.

When the demand is there, you can add distractions to your training and slowly increase them.

Your dog doesn’t understand what you want from him at this moment

dogs learn, purely through continuous repetition. Dogs learn based on location and situation. Ask yourself: Does my dog ​​even know the signal I’m using? Does he understand what I expect from him?

Watch out for one clean and exact structure of commands.

Your dog doesn’t hear you

Depending on how far away your dog is, it can easily be yours signal or you not hear.

This can be the case, especially in strong winds. However, you can easily solve this problem by conditioning your dog to a dog whistle. Your dog will hear you in storms and rain and from a very long distance.

Many dogs have too not learnedto carry out signals over long distances. It is therefore important in daily training that the distance to the important signals is slowly increased.

When should I see a dog trainer?

You have already implemented all the tips above and still your dog is not available when he sees other dogs?

The Great Dog Training Book offers many structured exercises and Step-by-step instructions on this very topic.

Of course, a dog training book does not replace a visit to a certified dog trainer.

But it’s a good way to dig deep into the problem at hand and try one or the other suggested solution.

Often times it’s little things about ourselves that keep our dogs from hearing.

The Great Dog Training Book offers a lot of insights and ensures that you can put the money you save, which would otherwise be invested in courses, into treats for your dog.

However, if there is a behavior Danger for other dogs or for your dog, you should have one Visit a dog trainer.


There are many possible reasons why your dog cannot be called when he sees other dogs. More often than not, though, it’s that he just doesn’t understand what you’re expecting of him or that it’s not worth coming back for on demand.

With a regular, structured training you will be able to become the absolute number one for your dog and he will come to you full of joy and expectation every time returns. Regardless of the situation.

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