Musk esoteric, magical properties and what it is for

Musk esoteric properties Musk is one of the most famous ingredients in perfumery. It came from the Far East some 1,500 years ago, via the vibrant Arabian cultures who believed that a feast of houris in Paradise was composed entirely of musk.

Like «oud» and «amber,» «musk» has become a vague and generic word, frequently misapplied. People often talk about a musky perfume when referring to a rich, dark, spicy, sensual fragrance that could more accurately be described as oriental.


Musk magical and healing properties

Perhaps its most important magical property is that it has always been considered a celebrated aphrodisiac. This substance, whose etymology derives from the Sanskrit muská (testicle), was widely used to strengthen «male health» by ancient Arab and Tibetan doctors.

In this sense, it was already known by the Greek Herodotus (in the 5th century BC) and mentioned in the book of Jewish traditions Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries AD), myths and legends abound in this regard. One of them says that the Macedonian Alexander the Great (4th century BC) had a powerful attraction to women because he naturally smelled of musk.

Warriors, crusaders, kings, and travelers like Marco Polo praised this power throughout the Middle Ages and beyond. Musk was widely consumed at the court of Catherine the Great in Russia in the 18th century, and the legendary sexual potency of Rasputin, the intriguing Russian mystic and politician, is also attributed to him.

Musk is often described as having an «animal scent» that references the Beast that lurks within us all. Others describe the fragrance as earthy, oily, sweet, or similar to that of warm, aroused human skin. In short: musk is a magical smell.

In Chinese medicine and other parts of the East, such as India and Persia by the famous doctor Avicenna, in the 11th century, the substance was also used for the treatment of various diseases, such as headaches, seizures, epilepsy, hysteria, insomnia, hearing difficulties, loss of smell and even snakebite. And it is still used today, even in the famous Ayurvedic medicine.

In the stories of One Thousand and One Nights and in modern Arab recipes we also find musk as a gastronomic ingredient, used in creams and sweets. Let’s see, then, the musk esoteric properties.


Musk esoteric properties

In the esoteric world, musk is used, rather, as a fixative. It adheres to the skin and favors the oils with which it is mixed to become equally tenacious. The scent of animal musk lingers for centuries, which is why the oil was once mixed with the bricks and mortar of palaces, mosques and cathedrals to facilitate entry into other realities.

The Arabs knew this and mixed musk in the mortar used to build their mosques. One of them in particular, built more than 600 years ago in the city of Tabriz, in Iran, is called “The Scented One” and still today exudes the penetrating aroma of its walls.

Empress Josephine’s castle at Malmaison, where those famous Redoute roses flourished in the gardens, was enchanted with the musky perfumes so prodigiously used by the owner.

The bedroom of Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, better known as Madame Pompadour, the mistress of King Louis XV, was also famous at the Palace of Versailles. It continued to be infused with musk for many years after the mighty courtesan’s transition to the other world.

It is important to note that the ideal animal musk for perfumery comes only from the musk deer, a small and shy pet (weighing between 10 and 20 kilos) that inhabits the mountains of Eastern Europe and Asia. It is distinguished from other deer by not having antlers, by having two large tusks and long ears. There are several varieties of this species in Russia, Mongolia, China (especially Tibet), Vietnam, Korea, Nepal, India, Afghanistan.

Inside your musk gland, which is located between your rectum and the base of your penis, musk is liquid in summer and condenses into a light wax in winter. Its processing is done by drying it in ovens, or in the sun, an operation during which it exhales an unbearable, animal and urine smell.


Esoteric musk what is it for

As mentioned above, musk is related to aphrodisiac and the magic of love attraction and, therefore, can be used for that purpose. Below is an attraction bath with musk


3 drops of honey
7 carnations
7 sprigs of cinnamon
7 drops of musk essence
7 drops of ylang ylang essence

Preparation and application

Mix everything in 1 liter of water, bring to the fire and boil, wait for it to cool down. Take your usual shower and as soon as you finish take a shower, pulling all this preparation from the neck down.

You can take a shower once a week and preferably on Friday or also the day you know you will find your loved one.


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