Although there are millions of different people in the world, it is increasingly common to find people that share ways of thinking and acting, like the urban tribes, and one that is giving a lot to talk about are the muppies because, despite being the new trend in the US, around the world there are many people who fit the profile. Discover below if you are one of them.
The term muppies was created by the American writer Michelle Miller in her book “The Underwriting” and etymologically is a cross between “millennial” referring to the millennial generation, and “yuppie” referring to young people who live connected to the Internet. So we could define them as a generation of young people with an age between 22 and 35 that stands out for been smart, ambitious and can do a thousand things at once. Some of the features that define muppies are the following:
• They are addicted to the internet and social networks, so they can’t live without being connected through their smartphone, dedicating at least an hour to update their digital life, and use twitter as their primary tool to be informed.
• They are young with much preparation and higher education; they usually dominate two languages and have a significant resume that includes some additional courses in a specific area, or at least a master.
• They have a vision of life in which they love and enjoy doing what they like, without worrying about the future. They can have their own business even if they do not become rich with it, but it is something they have always dreamed of.
• Among their hobbies we can find photography, cinema, literature and handicrafts, which can be constantly evident in the accessories of their technological devices.
• They love alternative music and technology, so the tablets, the smartphones and all the next generation gadgets will be the objects of their desires.
• They have a predilection for some sports that best identify their lifestyle as running, meditation or yoga, and these are their greatest allies to disconnect from the daily routine.
• They love healthy food and environment, so many of them love fruits, vegetables and healthy foods in their diet. They are also strong advocates of nature and recycling.
• What clothes do they wear? They can wear designer clothes but do not follow a trend; always keep a good look when they dress, but prefer the informal style.
In a world where globalization is increasingly present in our lives, many will be the influences of the fashion, technology, culture and lifestyles in our environment, so it should not seem strange the appearance of new urban tribes, the only thing left to do is wait for the next one.