Mother -in -law language: how to reproduce it correctly

The mother -in -law It is considered the perfect plant since, in addition to being very easy to take care of, it has unique powers to attract good energy. It is even the one if you are entering the world of plants thanks to its nobility and its great resistance.

The mother -in -law It is also known as Sansevieria and is considered an important piece in interior decoration. It is originally from West of Africa and belongs to the family of Liliaceas. Having one will give a lot of harmony and elegance to your home, and you can learn to reproduce it. It is much easier than you think.

You should know that there are several techniques to reproduce your mother -in -laweverything depends on which one transmits more comfort and trust.

Learn to multiply your mother -in -law, it is easier than you think.Noyo Creatif / Unspash

Mother -in -law how to reproduce it

This is one of the simplest techniques and you only need water and a leaf of mother -in -law. Remember that to get the latter, you must cut it from the mother plant with disinfected scissors.

  • When you have your sheet mother -in -lawplace it inside a bottle with water and then leave the bowl near a window where you receive direct sunlight. Wait for the roots to appear and when they measure approximately 4 centimeters, you can transplant it in a pot, in a short time you will see its growth.

Another very effective technique is to reproduce your mother -in -law directly on land. This is also very effective, you should only make sure that your new baby receives the care you need.