Most popular lies of married men

If you have gone out with a married man or are doing so, get ready, because surely some of these phrases will be familiar to you, and that is that men, to get what they want from us, can invent any excuse in order to get it, so take note.

«I am divorced». This is one of the most common phrases and is usually used when you don’t want to lose your wife, but at the same time you also don’t want to leave your lover. A woman who hears these words and is playing the role of «the trap» usually thinks that there might be a hope and that at some point she would be the owner of her heart.

«My marriage is in crisis.» As always the man playing the victim, this phrase can be the perfect entrance for the girl in question to take pity on the man, the reality is that these words are rarely true.

“I am with her for my children.” The unwary are usually dazzled by the role of the «good father», someone who gives everything for his children, that is why this phrase has become one of the most recurrent lies, because they will think that their «love» is a man very fatherly.

«Give me time to separate.» Before reaching the «I’m getting a divorce», married people use this phrase, where without giving an exact date they fill their lover with illusions, but when she despairs of this situation comes the common «I’m getting a divorce».

«I love her, but the flame of love has gone out.» This phrase is deadly, many women listening to this will think that she will soon become «the firm one», however it is far from true, the purpose is to take you to bed.

«I got married because of immaturity.» Typical, when a man married at an early age it is very common for him to use this phrase to conquer a woman, in this case these words will give rise to her giving her arm to twist…

«You are what I always looked for.» Probably the same words he said to his wife when he got married, but in the end the end justifies the means, a woman is excited by phrases as beautiful as this, as long as it is said at the right time, such as after having made love…

«She is very interested, she only cares about money.» Poor! Perhaps at the moment of saying this, the girl in question will take pity on her situation, which will give her points in her favor.

«My marriage was destroyed before you arrived.» When the girl in question feels remorse for being «the other» and wants to end the relationship, many men use this phrase to free them of guilt and continue cheating in silence.

«I have never been unfaithful to my wife, but this feeling for you completely submits me.» Classic phrase to conquer the forbidden woman. This will make her feel special and really think that this is the first time she has stepped out of the plate.

Taken from the Republic