Most common reasons for loss of trust in a partner – Online Psychologists

Loss of trust in a partner can arise for a variety of reasons, from poor communication and dishonesty to emotional or physical betrayal. Lack of transparency, unmet expectations, and lack of support can also gradually erode trust. Identifying and addressing these issues openly and honestly is essential to rebuilding lost trust in a relationship.

Why does this happen?

There are many couples who decide to break up. The reasons? In all of them there are similar circumstances. Let's take a look at them:

  • InfidelityThe existence of a third person who has intervened in a relationship between two people (always because one of them has allowed it) is one of the main causes of breakups. In this case, trust in your partner disappears completely and it is very difficult to regain it.
  • LiesSpeaking of trust, lies and deceptions are also common in relationships, and they don't have to be exclusively to hide an infidelity. In fact, in most cases, there is a tendency to hide information about matters that are not important.
  • Falling out of love. Stopping loving someone with the same intensity is normal. It just happens. We can't do anything about it, except explain it to our partner. Dragging on a relationship that one no longer wants to be part of will only cause arguments, as well as causing gratuitous harm to the other person, who will not understand certain attitudes given to that falling out of love. It is not fair to continue in a relationship for convenience, interest or inertia. The lack of love will be noticed anyway. In many cases, falling out of love is caused by the fatigue. A couple that has been in a relationship for years must love each other very much (and, most importantly, very well) so that their love does not weaken or wear out. In addition, boredom It also has an influence. Routine in the love sphere takes its toll.
  • Lack of interest. At the moment that this circumstance occurs, the conflicts in the couple will increase due to the neglect of the relationship, which will be destined to fail. Playing the ambiguity It is common for people to be unsure whether they want to be in a relationship or not, which is why the relationship cannot move forward. No one has to put up with frequent changes in attitude or opinion. A relationship is based on commitment and loyalty.

Immature love says, “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says, “I need you because I love you.”

Erich Fromm

  • Poor or no communication. Talking is the solution to all problems. If there is no fluid communication with your partner, you will have to face different challenges (one of them, mistrust). Taking care of communication will lead you to understanding and getting closer in cases of anger or misunderstandings.
  • Disrespectfor example, in an argument. They should not be allowed and, in addition, we should consider whether we are in a toxic relationship.
  • Absence. You don't have to physically disappear to talk about her. How is a relationship going to work if you don't seem to have a partner? You can feel lonely even when you're living with someone.
  • Problems in intimacy. When your partner no longer feels like having sex, it may be a bad patch that you are going through. But if this problem is not solved soon, it will lead to confusion.
  • Incompatibility. Very different personalities can destroy a relationship. There will always be reasons for conflict: from the most complicated aspects (such as jealousy, minimizing, etc.) to the simplest (negativity, not being able to forgive, lack of understanding or flexibility, tastes, obsessions, etc.). The social, cultural and educational levels of the couple also come into play. For example, two people from different countries and cultures will have different lifestyles and values, so friction can arise.
  • InterestsWork, family, friends, home… The variety of points of view through which you want to direct your life can cause a conflict of interests.

Tips to regain confidence

If you want your relationship to succeed you have to leave the lies behind. You will have already seen that with them you get nowhere. It is time to be honest to rebuild the lost trust. This also implies, have no secrets. The partner has to be the person we trust the most.

Eliminate the third person that tries to sneak into your relationship and causes distrust in your partner.

If your partner is overwhelmed by the crisis you are going through, give him his space and give it time to calm him down. You have to be patient. Even a few days apart will help you clear your mind.

We cannot dwell on the past and act full of rage. Even if your body experiences feelings of sadness and anger, which is logical when faced with a bad situation with your partner, the right thing to do is to analyze the problem and solve it once and for all. Have a serious conversation and, instead of reproaches, contribute solutions. The first step is admit that you have made mistakes.

If you have decided to continue the relationship it is because you see that you are capable of changing what bothers you about each other and starting from scratch, this time being constants and sincere.

If you find yourself in this similar situation or know someone who is going through a similar one, you are looking for a psychologist specialized in online couples therapydo not hesitate to consult a professional.

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