Most beautiful cities in the world; The 20 cities you must know

The most beautiful cities in the world They are always in the sights of any traveler. Elaborating a definitive list of the most beautiful cities in the world is an impossible task. Depending on who wonders, the results will be very different. As expected, Frank Lloyd Wright He judged the beauty of a city for its architecture (he was a Chicago admirer), while Ezra Pound was in favor of the poetry of the night sky of a place («And New York is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from being. No urban night is like there …», he wrote). Walt Whitman said it is the people who make a city great, and Aristotle said that «a great city should not be confused with a populous.»

All this to say that our list is not definitive at all. Twenty cities are very few to summarize all the beauty of the world. But we have tried to highlight some extremely spectacular places, from the remote beaches of the Caribbean to the cultural capital of Japan. Some cities are neuralgic centers of the Contemporary architecturewhile others have preserved a past time. Some of the places on this list are densely populated, while at least one has a population of just thousands of inhabitants, a wink to Aristotle's criteria.

What makes a city beautiful?

Although there are infinite ways to answer this question, for this list we have taken into account architecture, cultural treasures, historical relevance and natural attraction. The best cities offer something that cannot be found anywhere else. Destinations around the world have entered the list, some for having all of the above in one place.

What is the most beautiful city in the United States, Europe and Asia?

Among the American cities, there is one that appears on the list: New York. The Big Apple is, without a doubt, the largest cultural center in the United States and, even so, it retains an impressive amount of green spaces. Among the most beautiful places in Europe are Tallin, an almost perfectly preserved medieval city; Paris, home of the Eiffel Tower and large boulevards; Barcelona, ​​a place with European obligatory visit architecture; Florence, for his art and architecture; and Amsterdam, with its characteristic channels. As for the Asian cities that shine, this list includes the wonderfully modern Singapore, as well as Kyoto, full of tributes to the past.

Of course, our list also includes cities outside these countries and continents. Next, you will also discover some of the most beautiful cities in Central and South America, Africa, Australia and the Caribbean.

What cities are the most beautiful by nature?

Portsmouth, in the Caribbean country of Dominica, dazzles with its beaches, coral reefs and mangroves. It also stands out for the efforts made to protect its natural beauty. About 16,000 kilometers, in Australia, Adelaida also has beaches, in addition to an optimal climate for vineyards and many opportunities to see wildlife.