The vibrant colors of the monarch butterfly not only make it beautiful, but also fulfill a vital function to frightening possible predators. In addition, this species is able to fly at an extremely slow speed, moving to a Average 9 kilometers per hour.
Despite having six legs, the monarch butterfly only use the average and rear legs to walk, which contributes to its distinctive movement style.
What are the curiosities of the monarch butterfly?
During its caterpillar phase, the monarch experiences an amazing process: Smime your skin up to five times before reaching maturity! This transformation cycle is one of the most surprising events in the life cycle of this species.
Another peculiarity of these majestic creatures is their Diurnal habit: They only fly during the day, filling the heavens with their grace and beauty in the sunlight.
However, the monarch's trip is not exempt from dangers. On his way, heNFRENTA to a variety of predatorsincluding spiders, wasps, mice and hungry birds that see in them a delicious food.
The generation of monarch butterflies that undertakes migration from Canada to Mexico is known as the «MATUSALÉN GENERATION». These butterflies have the remarkable ability to adjust your body temperature to that of the surrounding environment, allowing them to survive in a wide range of climatic conditions.
Renewal: the meaning evoked by the monarch butterfly.Joshua J. Cotten / Unspash
What is the meaning of the monarch butterfly?
These magnificent creatures not only dazzle with their beauty, but also contain a deep spiritual meaning of transformation and renewal. Its extraordinary life cycle, which implies a complete metamorphosis, symbolizes the idea that Death does not mark the endbut rather the beginning of a new stage. This belief suggests that, although we abandon the earthly plane, our spirit lasts in those who remind us and love us.