In Los Angeles messages: In popular spirituality, it is believed that mirror hours are a message from angels or higher beings. Each number can have a particular meaning and a message for those who see it. Of course, it is specifically directed to the special moment you are going through.
In numerology: The numbers have a meaning for numerology and mirror hours are often interpreted according to this system. For example, number 11:11 is associated with intuition and spiritual lighting.
In the consciousness of time: There are people who consider seeing Mirror hours It is a reminder of the importance of paying attention to the present moment and being aware of the time that passes.
In wishes and manifestation: It is believed that if you make a desire or establish an intention when you see an hour mirror, it is more likely to be fulfilled. This is related to the idea that these hours are carriers of special cosmic energy. Hence the well -known «11:11, asks for a desire.»
In balance and harmony: The symmetry of Mirror hours It can symbolize balance and harmony in someone's life.
Mirror hours also talk about being aware of our time.Brigitte Tohm / Unspash
Magic mirror hours
11:11: considered a portal for intuition and manifestation of desires. It is believed to be a time to focus on positive thoughts and attract what you want to your life.
22:22: Interpreted as a sign that you are on the right path and that your efforts are backed by higher energies. It is also associated with spiritual mastery.
01:01: Reminder to maintain a balance between work and personal life. It can be a call to reflection on your goals and priorities, about what you should value in your daily life.
The interpretation, meaning and value of Mirror hours It is very subjective and varies according to the person and their beliefs. Some see them as simple coincidences, while others consider them important signals in their lives. It is a personal choice.