Mirror Hours and Reversed Hours. The message of the angels

An unsettling coincidence keeps many people guessing: looking up at the clock coincides with a symmetrical digital time in which either the hour and the minutes mark the same number, or they mark inverted numbers. Is it true that when this happens your guardian angel is communicating with you? We reveal the mystery of mirror hours and inverted hours!

What are mirror hours and reverse hours?

Lets start by the beginning: What do these intriguing terms refer to? (mirror hours and reversed hours)? A mirror hour is the reflection of the same figure in a digital time in the hours and minutes, separated by colons. For example, 10:10. A reversed hour, on the other hand, marks two figures in reverse, such as 02:20. The culmination of this phenomenon is when your watch strikes 00:00.

This article aims to solve a mystery that is presented to many people who usually see mirror hours and Inverted hours with unusual frequency. look up and look at the clock just when a mirror hour or a reversed hour is reflected can be a nice coincidence, but what happens when this coincidence is repeated often? It is normal that you begin to wonder why so many coincidences, and if it is not that a superior force, perhaps the angels, is trying to transmit its message to you. You are not misguided. Keep reading.

The messages of mirror hours and inverted hours

There is a divine plan that marks your destiny and your mission in this world, but the daily hustle and bustle and obligations often prevent you from attending to the signs of that plan. Therefore, those coincidences on the clock are a wake-up call by which the heavenly forces are trying to convey a message to you iimportant. And now you’ll wonder how can you know what the angels are trying to tell you through mirror hours and reversed hours?

There is a whole theory around numerology and the meaning of numbers, and this can be applied to your relationships with others, your life experience in love, your projects, your dreams, your behaviors and your personality. You just have to apply the meaning of the numbers at the mirror hour or inverted hour that you can reach with your eyes.

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mirror hour messages

Every hour a mirror hour is played, and if you are lucky enough to coincide with them several times, pay attention to their messages through the meaning of the numbers. To make it easier for you, we offer you a guide on mirror hour messages.


Zero represents nothing but also unlimited potential. Your guardian angel sends you a message: You have to free yourself from the weights that condition youWell, you have to make a very important decision.


In numerology, 1 is the number of ambition and leadership, and if you happen to look at your watch at 01:01, it is the call to undertake your projects with more determination. Also, your angel informs you that someone loves you, but he also speaks of isolation and loneliness.


The number two represents duality, the couple, love and friendship. In this case, your relationship with others intensifies and if you coincide with the mirror hour 02:02, pay attention to your angels: it may be that someone is hiding something from you. Be very careful with ambiguities.


Seeing this time on the clock hides a very important message: do not trust the people around you. Number 3 is the symbol of communication and sociability, but your angel wants to warn you about toxic relationships and invites you to activate.


This mirror hour is a symbol of warning, power play, force and violence, since the number 4 represents rigidity and intransigence. If you see this hour many times, do not hesitate, and be on your guard: someone is plotting behind your back.


Attention, because watching this hour has a very interesting translation: Someone is dying for your bones! Yes, a person you know is in love with you, but 5 is also the number of expansion and visionary ideas. keep your feet on the ground.


Number 6 represents sensitive, loyal and loving people. When you see this mirror hour several times, take it seriously: your guardian angel is encouraging you to love yourself more to be able to evolve, and it tells you that you count a lot for someone.


7 is the number of intellect and wisdom, so through the coincidence with that mirror hour your angel is advising you use your knowledge of yourself to your advantage. And attention: a light-eyed person has feelings for you.


Be the owner of your own life. This is the message that is hidden behind the mirror hour of the number 8 (symbol of money, ambition and audacity). You are close to a big change, but you cannot trust yourself, because suddenly everything can turn against you.


Search and humanism often hide behind the number 9, a symbol of altruism and the ideal. Your guardian angel advises you stop being so vain and offer more good things to others. You are on the way to a precious friendship.


The mirror hour that marks 10:10 has a very positive message: Love has arrived! It indicates self-confidence and the arrival of fortune, and your angel communicates with you to announce that someone is in love with you and that you have to find the right path.


As with the mirror hours 00:00 and 22:22, they are crucial times because four digits coincide. The hour 11:11 is the empowerment of love to its extreme, and the angels warn you that you run the risk of suffering a lot.


Attention at this magic hour, because It’s the time of day to make a wish. This hour opens up endless opportunities, and the angels invite you to sharpen cunning and intelligence to take advantage of your potential.


The mirror hour 13:13 materializes the fulfillment of wishes and brings you closer to dreams. The effort is rewarded, and you feel satisfied with yourself. You also have to connect with your inner self and be more spiritual.


It is time for insistence and recovery of self-confidence. If you feel frustrated or have suffered some failure, and you see this time on your watch, pay close attention: do not stop trying because in that insistence is the key to success.


When you coincide many times with this mirror hour, you are forced to shake off laziness and excuses and give free rein to passion. It is the hour of pleasure and magnetism. And attention, because you are connected with your ex again…


When this mirror hour appears on your watch, your angel is giving you some very helpful advice: you have too much negativity insideand to the extent that you manage to get rid of bad feelings, you will be able to attract others more.


Pay close attention to this mirror hour, because it announces the emergence of problems in the couple. What to do, you ask? Your guardian angel is trying to tell you to use your inner strength to overcome all your problems.


Coinciding with that mirror hour is synonymous with having understood everything that love means, the sacrifices it entails and how you can enjoy it. Take advantage of your maturity and live your relationships in a more relaxed way.


Patience has a reward, and when you coincide with 19:19 you have to understand the message of your angel: you have to have more patience and take things more calmly. Remember that your angel is always there to listen to you.


This time calls for discretion: the more unnoticed you go, the more attention you will attract. In fact, if you see that time on your watch, hear the good news from your angel: a person you like will show you what requited love is.


The appearance of 21:21 is not just a coincidence, but the announcement of the imminent arrival of something big, a change that can materialize success in your life. Receive the reward for so much effort with all the hope.


This is a mirror hour that advances a call, a very important call, from the person you like. But it also requires you to maintain your constant effort to help others. You will receive all the good that you give.


This mirror hour is actually a wake-up call: your partner needs your attention and you have to adopt a closer and more communicative attitude. On the other hand, your angel tells you to continue to believe in yourself..

The meaning of the hours invested

When you look at the clock and an inverted hour appears, you can also take advantage of the advice that the angels are offering you from another dimension when trying to communicate with you. This is a practical guide for you to get the most out of it.


This hour marks the arrival in your life of love and kindness, blessings that you must accept with humility to extract all the good that they can bring to you. Your life experience will be shaken by a positive event.


If you are waiting for medical results, the resolution of a lawsuit, or the data of a professional project, or an important decision in your love lifeCoinciding with this inverted hour heralds the arrival of good news.


You are giving off magnetism and you are so attractive that a person has noticed you, but for some reason you ignore it. Get rid of some accessory things that prevent you from seeing what is really essential in your life.


This inverted hour talks about betrayal, but this time you are the protagonist. The heavenly forces require you to abandon deception and disloyalty. Be honest with others, because betrayals end up turning against you.


A pleasant surprise is about to burst into your life, and it will turn your everyday life into a special and amazing adventure. But you have to have an open mind and a prepared heart to receive all the good that is to come.


A warning touch comes to you from beyond if your gaze coincides with 10:01 on the clock, as it warns you that your partner or the person you like thinks of someone else. Try hard to get their attention back.


A conspiracy is woven behind your back, and you don’t know it, but someone close to you is speaking ill of you. If you see this time on your watch, open your eyes and be cautious, because the angels warn you that you are the object of betrayal.


Be careful with this inverted time, because if you see 1:31 p.m. on your watch, you have to be aware that something bad is about to happen in your life. Nothing you can’t overcome with your willpowerbut you have to be warned.


If it happens that you look at the clock and it shows 2:41 p.m., the angels are calling your attention because soon you will find an object of value, material or sentimentaland you can use it to fill your life with abundance and satisfaction.

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If you come across this hour by chance, listen to what the angels have to tell you: you are generating in another person a very beautiful feeling of love and desire. Someone is wishing…