The Mexican Revolution was one of the most important historical events in Mexicosince this movement marked the history of the country, both in political and economic and social field.
The fight began in 1910 as a movement to overthrow Porfirio Díaz de Power; However, it resulted in a civil war between factions that struggled for different political and social rights, which would end almost 10 years later and would leave, among other things, a new political constitution, which is the one that currently governs us.
The Mexican revolution was a conflict that occurred to find social improvements.Bettmann / Getty images.
What was the Mexican Revolution?
The Mexican Revolution that sought to eliminate the Diaz dictatorship. For 35 years (from 1876 to 1911) the country showed exponential growth in the economic and political field, but the cost was instability and social injustices, which paid the least favored sectors. Given this, the opposition commanded by Francisco I. Madero created a movement for which he was imprisoned. However, he escaped and fled to Texas, where he proclaimed San Luis's plan that was basically a call to society to get up in arms against the State.
Thus began the Mexican Revolution on November 20, 1910. In 1911, Madero was elected president, which was not to like other leaders such as Emiliano Zapata and Pascual Orozco. After two years, that is, in 1913, Félix Díaz, Bernardo Reyes and Victoriano Huerta gave a military coup known as a tragic dozen, which resulted in the murder of Madero, his brother and vice president Pino Suárez. Thus, Huerta was in command of the country. This also generated reactions with Other important characters from the Mexican Revolution as Venustiano Carranza and Francisco Villa.
Huerta also resigned and fled the country. For then, Carranza who was one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution convened a meeting to choose a president. In the rearrangement of the factions, several leaders were killed as Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Villa and Álvaro Obregón. However, before his death in 1928, that is, in 1920 he was appointed president and, in fact, the conflict officially ended in that year. Even with this, the general conflict extended until 1940.