The Men with beards are at higher risk of contracting Covid-19according to a study published by the National Institute of Health of Peru (INS).
Much has been said in recent days about behaviors that could make it easier for people to catch the Coronavirus. The experts’ call to wash your hands at least every two hours, use antibacterial gel, maintain social distances of two meters in public and/or closed places, and the importance of respiratory protection masks for Covid, are the only effective measures. to win the battle against the pandemic.
Studies carried out around the world are showing surprising results. For example, the INS in Peru revealed details about its research in the field of aerosols and filtration of airborne microparticles; In this work, the scientists found indications that people who wear beards would have a greater exposure and would be receivers/conductors of the particles that harbor this virus.
Men with beards are at higher risk of contracting Covid-19, research says
According to the INS investigator, Manuel Chávez Ruiz, “Microdroplets that could carry a significant viral load of the virus can penetrate the barrier of any mask due to facial hair”. With this statement, Chávez warned about the use of long or very thick beards in times of Covid, since the risk of contagion could be increased due to the growth of the hair that “It does not allow a proper fit of the masks to the face“.
The basis for the concern exposed by the study led by Chávez Ruíz is that a person who lets their beards grow has between 20 and 80 hairs per square centimeter. In that order of ideas, the free space between two hairs on the face is 1.1 to 2.7 millimeters, which would be the space equivalent to 1,000 times the size of an aerosol particle that could contain the virus.
Thus, the area that remains free between hair and hair on the face would harbor a high probability of retaining microdroplets and viral particles, which would easily enter the respiratory tract or high contact routes such as the mouth and eyes through the uncovered spaces. that leave the masks.
And you, Do you think people with beards really have a higher risk of getting Covid? We await your response in this post and do not forget to share our content on your social networks.