Meet the gympie gympie, the most dangerous plant in the world

In the trophic chain, plants occupy the first place of production. Creating fascinating and infinite forms of communication, these beings inhabit almost any ecosystem. Plants are as diverse as they are complex, and sometimes their indecipherable structure is very attractive to humans. This is the case of the most dangerous plant in the world: the gympie gympie.

Simple to the eye but endowed with an intricate language, the gympie gympie It is a spectacular element of nature. Airborne chemical alarms go off when one of these plants is nearby. Attracted by the calm of its leaves, the human being approaches to explore its texture.

Marina Hurley

Defending himself from an unknown approach, the gympie gympie release a stinger Unveiling its composition, the green shrub with heart-shaped foliage reveals stinging needles, each coated with a powerful neurotoxin that inflicts excruciating pain on the enemy..

The effect starts with extreme itching, and then the pain escalates until it becomes excruciating. It has been described as pure agony, so powerful that it drives any being mad before they lose their lives. This is the most dangerous plant in the world, because behind its quiet stay in the middle of the jungles of Australia hides a powerful poison.

Also in Ecoosphere: This is what your plants do when you can’t see them (video)

The poison of the most dangerous plant in the world

Moroidin is an active compound of the gympie gympie. The plant distributes the poison through a series of light hairs. With just a light touch they adhere to the skin, unleashing a torture that can last more than 1 year if they are not cleaned quickly.

According to virologist Mike Leahy, the effects of the stinging hairs of the gympie gympie they range from light burning to death. First is the itchy skin, then the burning. After a while, this can become more painful. There comes a point where the joints begin to hurt a lot, the body swells and the discomfort increases until it causes a shock or death. Just a bite, rubbing the leaf or breathing near it, are an announcement of its danger.

In case of having contact with this plant, the most effective remedy is applying dilute hydrochloric acid to exposed skin and pulling out the stingers as in a hair removal. Otherwise, the toxins from the world’s most dangerous plant will continue to inject poison into the body.

So far, this is the most powerful strike of nature we know of. It is good to remember that although we believe that plants are silent and calm, their language is imperceptible at first glance. Thousands of plants spew chemicals into the air and gympie-gympie is a clear example of the unique operation of some of them.

Keep reading: French launch the “Shazam” of plants: Plantnet

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