Meaning of the remains of wax from candles with images (ceromancy)

Meaning of the remains of candle wax with images Zeromancy is the reading of luck through the interpretation of the flame and the candle wax.

The word comes from the combination of zero (wax) and mancia (form of divination). When lighting a common candle or a seven day candle, it is interesting to pay attention to everything that happens with it and in this particular case: The wax.

What the wax looks like after it melts can represent something. Therefore, it is necessary to know the meaning of the remains of wax from candles with images to know what they may be wanting to alert and inform.


What are the meanings of the wax images

If you want to read the candle wax, here we present the meaning of the remains of candle wax with images

1. Circles: When the remains of the candle take on circular shapes, it indicates that you still have a long way to go to achieve the goal you have.

two. Rectangles: When the candle finishes burning, it acquires rectangular shapes, then this indicates that the results of what you want will be very positive, and that they will appear very soon.

3. fan shape: If the melted candle forms a kind of fan, it indicates that very soon you will have a great surprise related to what you want.

Four. needle shape: Fine needle-shaped shapes indicate that you are experiencing a phase of luck in relation to what you want.

5. Ring shape: If the shape is circular, but similar to a ring, then it is a good sign, it indicates that you will receive a big profit soon.

6. spider shape: This shape is usually a circular shape with thin ends like spider legs, it indicates that you are lucky in what you intend to do.

7. Box or chest shape: mimicking a kind of box or chest when fully melted, this candle means you still have a lot to figure out that you don’t know.

8. stick shape: If the candle is shaped like a stick, it indicates that you will need someone’s help to achieve what you set out to do, that you are not capable of achieving it by yourself.

9. bird shape: If the melted candle is shaped like a bird, it indicates betrayal, that the person you trust the most is betraying you.

10. Heart shape: the melted candle in the shape of a heart is always a good sign for love life, as it indicates phases of romance. If your ritual is performed with the aim of being with someone, this indicates that your request will come true. However, if the heart is broken, you may be in for a big disappointment.

eleven. horse shape: If the melted candle is in the shape of a horse, this indicates freedom, a feeling of liberation. You will leave in the past situations and people who hurt you.

12. fish shape: If the melted candle is in the shape of a fish, it is a sign that many emotions are on the way to your life. It can also represent that you will receive an unexpected gift.

13. flower shape: If the shape is similar to a flower, then it is something very positive, since it reveals prosperity, fluidity, positivity in your path and the realization of what you long for.

14. ax shape: If the shape is similar to that of an ax or a hammer, it indicates that you will have to face many tests, because people will talk about you a lot.

fifteen. key shape: the melted candle that forms a drawing similar to a key reveals that you will receive a great opportunity, the key shows that doors must be opened in your life.

16. Crescent shape: The crescent shape, when it appears when you have a melted candle, indicates that you are going to go through moments of sadness, recollection, introspection and loneliness.

17. grape shape: If several balls are formed as if it were a bunch of grapes, then this is very positive, because it is the revelation that you will have a lot of health to achieve everything you dream and desire.

18. clock shape: If the remains of the candle form something similar to a clock, know that you will have to make an important decision, because this indicates that it is time to change everything forever, to have an attitude.

19. sun shape: the shape of the sun is a very positive sign. If your candle is like this after being melted, this indicates an illuminated, prosperous path, full of success.

twenty. turtle shape: If the melted candle has a shape reminiscent of a turtle, this indicates that you will live many, many years, that you will have a lot of health.

twenty-one. clover shape: If the shape of the melted candle is similar to a clover, then this indicates luck in life and luck in what you wish for as well.

22. triangle shape: The melted candle when it forms triangles represents that you will soon have to go through great obstacles.

23. star shape: a star when it occurs, indicates that you will be surprised with something very good.

24. skull shape: If your melted candle has a shape that is very reminiscent of a skull, this indicates death.

25. Letter or number shape: if it forms a letter or a number, you have to associate that interpretation with what is being ritualized. Letters can indicate people, numbers can indicate dates. It is you who must make that interpretation.

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26. tree shape: If the melted candle forms a tree, it is a sign of long life, be it for yourself, for a project or for a relationship. It depends on what you’re working on at the time.

27. coffin shape: If the melted candle takes the shape of a coffin, it is because something is going to come to an end.

28. lamp shape: the lamp shape indicates that you need to make changes, have new ideas, seek your own enlightenment.

29. eye shape: This shape indicates that you are being watched.


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