Meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual, esoteric, biblical and numerology

Meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual and its biblical meaning The number seven in alchemical thought may not be the pinnacle, but it is certainly the goal. It represents self-awareness and inner wisdom that will provide a richer quality of life.

The symbolic meaning of seven is believed to resonate with the vibration and energies picked up by our chakra system, hence there are seven central energy centers in the human body. It is also believed that by activating and aligning the seven chakras, energy flows more easily through the body. This promotes good health.

Seven is therefore recognized as a divine number and the power that seven contains can manifest things in your life by accessing the higher self through imagination, awareness and visualization.

Next let’s see more about the meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual, esoteric and biblical.

its significance

Meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual (Biblical) In the biblical version of the creation story, the seventh day was when God rested and is therefore a symbol of «divine completion or perfection.» In other words, spiritual enlightenment.

In the book of Hebrews, written by the apostle Paul, he uses seven titles to refer to Christ. The titles are «Heir of all things» (Hebrews 1:2), «Captain of our salvation» (2:10), «Apostle» (3:1), «Author of salvation» (5:9), “Forerunner” (6:20), “High Priest” (10:21), and “Author and finisher of our faith” (12:2).

Matthew 13 quotes Jesus giving seven parables (Matthew 13:3-9, 24-30, 31-32, 33, 44, 45-46, 47). In the New Testament seven psalms are attributed to David (Psalm 2, 16, 32, 41, 69, 95 and 109).

In relation to the book of Revelation there are seven churches, seven angels for the seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpet plagues, seven thunders and the seven last plagues. The first resurrection of the dead takes place at the seventh trumpet, completing the salvation of the Church.


Meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual (other religions) The Hindu scriptures say that there are seven dimensions of consciousness above the earth and seven below. In Hindu mythology, the story of the seven Rishas refers to the Pleiades, called the Big Dipper in the United States and the Plowshare in England. In South America, it is known as the sack of potatoes. In astronomical circles, the Pleiades are often referred to as the seven sisters.

Many ancient cultures in the Americas built their settlements to reflect the Pleiades constellation. This may have been a symbolic ritual to reflect the seven energy centers in the body. Certain parts of the body are connected through meridian lines.

The ancients seemed to be closely linked to the different parts of the body. For example, by stimulating a certain part of the foot, blocked energy flowing to and from the vital organs can be released; lungs, liver, pancreas, etc.

The real reason ancient builders put so much effort into building settlements aligned with the Pleaides is unknown. We can only speculate, and since my view of symbolism revolves around the psychobiological system, a connection to the chakras is my best guess.


Meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual (esoteric) The entire philosophy of the Hermetic teaching is given in seven principles of truth. We find it reflected in the Tarot as the Chariot, indicating that the initiate has to fight with his desires to overcome weakness.

The number seven is also associated with self-sacrifice, a concept that appears in other world religions as well. What this means, therefore, is that when seven appears in your life you have to give in to temptation and perhaps make sacrifices to bring something new, which typically manifests with the power of seven.

But like all numbers and symbols, seven has a negative aspect. Duality is depression, inactivity, and pessimism, which lead to loneliness, stagnation, and codependency.

The seventh stage does not necessarily have to be spiritual illumination, but the understanding of your true character. You can only transform into the seven by examining the negative attributes of your character and adopting the seven steps of alchemical transformation.

When the seven appears in your life, it is a sign that a goal or transformation has been completed, and when it is positive, it is the best you could have wished for. Do not be afraid to give up the things in your life that do not serve you, because as long as you keep negative things in your life, you will not be able to give way to the positive things that seven can bring you.

The number seven is the pursuer of the hidden truth. His quest is to discover the secrets of this world and they are always digging deeper for the secret meaning of life and all things.

The ideology of this individual is that there is an illusory veil that hides the true face of things behind him and they are there to pierce that veil and discover the true meaning of the world.


Meaning of the number 7 in the spiritual (Numerology 7 personality) Number seven people can often seem shy. That’s because, to an extent, they are. They do not like crowds and are prone to avoid social activities, going out, meeting with friends, etc.

Because of this, the number seven can seem distant, which is totally true. These people tend to be quite cold on the outside.

Individuals with the number seven are very intelligent. It is with the use of this brilliant mind that they attempt to seek the knowledge shrouded in mystery that the world has to hide.

His spiritual nature is no joke. They are deeply entangled in the supernatural mysteries of the universe and will always strive to discover the reasons for existence.

The positive side is that they are never superficial. They always gravitate towards the meaningful things in life and ignore any form of superficiality.

These people have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, thus they are righteous warriors of justice, who will fight until the light of truth prevails against the illusory curtains of life.

In this respect they are lucky, as they always seem to find themselves with a new mystery to solve. However, not all secrets can be unearthed from their hiding place and this is something that makes the number seven involuntarily adopt a kind of strange behavior with a weird humor. At least it’s a good thing they can take life with a pinch of salt.

The drawback is that they can get too involved in their thoughts and search for the unknown, to the point of forgetting the outside world altogether.

One drawback to their character is that they tend to shy away from honesty for the sake of an interesting outcome. This could also be a reason for his general appreciation of solitude, as this behavior could drive people away.

Unfortunately, their nature often makes them ignorant of other people’s problems. They seem to have a cold view of society and its members, causing them to be quite self-indulgent in their own endeavors and self-centered when it comes to their own lives and affairs.

If you want to know more about the meaning of number 7 in the spiritual, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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