The leaves are icons of nature, which have remained a living part of their identity.. Two of the fundamental processes for the existence of trees, flowers and other plants are manifested in its structure. Going beyond the botanical definition, science that is in charge of its general study, the leaves carry a strong meaning in various cultures, which has derived as inspiration in fine jewelry.

Delicate, valuable, and mostly green in color reminiscent of hope, the leaves represent light structures, which are capable of initiating by themselves the necessary process for the transport of nutrients from the root to the rest of the parts of the plant, functioning at the same time as water reservoirs.

This description does not fully acknowledge the degree of inspiration reached by the leaves in the art of jewelry. The leaves are recognized in multiple beliefs as symbols of good luck, as a protective amulet, as an image of love, and even as a reflection of greatness.

For the Chinese and Japanese culture, the leaf, specifically, the maple leaf represents the ultimate symbol of love, union and desire. It is common for a maple leaf to be placed at the foot of the bed, to protect against bad omens and promote intimacy in the couple.

In other cultures, the leaves were food of the Gods, Therefore, they formed raw material for naturopathic medicine, wanting to obtain from them the same nutrients that gave their deities so much power. Without neglecting the use of the leaves to enhance the flavor of various dishes, or even in the preparation of perfumes and body oils, such is the case of lavender.

One of the oldest identities of leaves as a symbol in jewelry is the four-leaf clover. Popular worldwide, this garment refers to the meeting of destiny with luck. There is a belief that coming across a four-leaf clover means that something good is going to happen.

The first meaning of the four-leaf clover is that each of its leaves represents a basic concept of happiness.For some they figure as wealth, love, fame and health, while other people seek to bestow it as a symbol of hope, faith, love and luck.

In other sciences, beliefs, and cultures the symbol of a four leaf clover changes prodigiously. For Christians, it is a natural representation of the cross; for adventurers, it symbolizes luck; and for astrologers, it is the unique protective amulet of the Taurus sign.

In nature it is estimated that for every 10,000 three-leaf clovers, there is one four-leaf clovers. On the other hand, in jewelry, you can find it made in various materials, garments, and accessories that will contribute more than just grace to your appearance, and even to your destiny.