Meaning of the Four of Cups card in the Tarot

The Four of Cups is a card that tells us that we are not looking at the good things that we already have in our lives, but instead we are longing for what we could have.

When this card appears in your readings, it challenges you to stop daydreaming about what you could have in your life and count your blessings instead.

The Four of Cups is a warning that we need to be more grateful for what we have, and show a little more gratitude toward the things we’ve already been blessed with. When we become self-absorbed and begin to take what we have for granted, we tend to miss out on other opportunities.

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The Four of Cups draws attention to the fact that while you are busy wondering about other things, you are missing the opportunity to improve what you already have.

Meaning of the Four of Cups upright

The position of the Four of Cups and the cards that surround it will be important in determining how to interpret what it is telling you.

In its past position, the Four of Cups is telling you that your current situation has been defined by an opportunity you didn’t take. The good news is that recognizing this error is crucial to correcting your point of view about your life.

The lesson here is to keep your eyes open to what life has already given you, and adjust accordingly. The Four of Cups in your current position presents the challenge of looking at your life objectivelyand recognize that there is an opportunity before you that you have been blind to.

This could be a potential romantic partner, or even a job offer. Taking note of your behavior and attitude is your best option to improve the quality of your life.

Your future position holding the Four of Cups shows a positive result for your spread. What this means for you is that through your current situation you will learn valuable lessons that will benefit you later in life. Consider this validation that you are not going to be stuck in your current position forever.

The Four of Cups and its relationship to work

When the Four of Cups appears on your career path, it is telling you that there’s a chance you’re missing at work.

You have the dedication and talent to advance your career, but you’re holding back. If you’ve been feeling stuck, consider the positive aspects of the job you already have. Job security is always a good thing.

The Four of Cups and its relationship with love

In a relationship-oriented spread, the Four of Cups suggests that you have reached an impasse in your love life. If you’re currently in a relationship, this means it’s time for you to figure out how to recapture the spark you once had.

Look at the role they have played in the course of the relationship and acknowledge things they could have done differentlyis the key to fixing any underlying issues.

If you are looking for love, the Four of Cups is a sign that you have been turning a blind eye to people who would have made a good match. Now is the time for you to reconsider those in your life who have been overlooked as potential partners.

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The Four of Cups and its relationship to finances

Although it may be tempting to spend your money, the Four of Cups is a warning that filling your life with new toys is not going to bring you lasting happiness. Instead of focusing your attention on changing your environment, upgrade the things you already have.

The Four of Cups and its relationship to health

When the Four of Cups is featured in a health and wellness related broadcast, it means that you need to re-evaluate how you are taking care of yourself.

If you’ve been sick, ask yourself if you’ve made appropriate lifestyle changes to get better, and be honest with yourself about the areas that need more attention than other people. It’s time to stop putting off a new diet, or dusting off that gym membership card sitting in your wallet.

The Four of Cups in reverse position

In a reversed position, the Four of Cups tells you that you don’t have to worry about the state your life is in. Right now is the best time to share your ideas and take advantage of new opportunities.

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Four of Cups Combinations

In tandem with The High Priestess, the Four of Cups warns against falling prey to evil and gossip within your network. There is a high probability that what you say in private will reach the wrong people, so you better keep your opinions to yourself.

The Four of Cups paired with the Ace of Cups means that your emotional responses to your current situation come from a much deeper place than may be represented in your spread.

In this case, it is important to look back to understand what event, or series of events, has led to your emotional response in this current situation. It would be wise to seek professional help to heal these old wounds.