Meaning of the colors of the traffic light, we are going to remind you of them!

It seems like a basic subject but knowing the meaning of traffic light colors can save lives as they are vital for traffic and pedestrian mobility and safety.

If you remember the civics classes, they taught you all about these devices that we find on the roads. Traffic lights are located in areas with a high flow of cars and people, intersections and spaces through which it is possible to cross the road. Although this seems to be a matter of simple logic, there are drivers and pedestrians who do not respect these signals and prefer to put their lives and the lives of others at risk by ignoring the traffic lights.

We want to teach you what the color of roses means and by the way, take you back to your classes at school to refresh your memory with what each traffic light represents:

What are traffic lights for?

Let’s go back to basics. They are signaling devices operated by an electronic unit in charge of regulating and organizing the circulation of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians on public roads. Its main function is to randomly assign the right of way or priority to vehicles and pedestrians to avoid congestion and accidents. Traffic lights are made with 3 lights (red, yellow and green) to give directions to drivers and pedestrians so that, depending on their orientation, they can know when to stop or move.

Meaning of the colors of the traffic light in Colombia

According to the national traffic code, there are traffic lights on Colombian roads for vehicle control, pedestrian traffic lights, special traffic lights, and traffic lights for approaching mass transit, train, and guardrail crossings. As is the case in many parts of the world, these devices usually have 3 basic functional colors for their operation on land, such as red, yellow and green. Train approach and guardrail traffic lights only have a yellow light.

Meaning of traffic light colors for drivers and pedestrians

On public roads, both pedestrians and drivers of cars, motorcycles, bicycles and other types of alternative vehicles, have the obligation to follow the current regulations indicated by the traffic lights, such as:

  • Red: When the vehicular traffic light turns red, it indicates that cars must stop and remain parked before the zebra call or crosswalk line. When the red light is on at the pedestrian signal, pedestrians must stop and wait their turn to cross the street.
  • Yellow: when the light changes from red to yellow, it indicates that the cars are close to starting their journey after stopping at the traffic light. For this reason, pedestrians cannot cross the road. At the moment when the traffic light changes from green to yellow, it indicates that cars must prepare to stop and thus allow pedestrians to pass.
  • Green: When this light comes on, cars that were stopped at the traffic light can start to cross. If this color of light comes on at the pedestrian traffic light, it will be time for people to cross the street without any danger.

Meaning of traffic light colors for children

Although the same colors and stop signs apply to children as to cars and older pedestrians, civility and respect for traffic signs should begin to be instilled in them from an early age. Adults are responsible for giving instructions and teachings that help minors take care of their lives and that of others. For this reason, it is recommended that when you walk with them through the streets, you do so by teaching them the lessons to cross the road, making sure to pass only when all the cars have stopped and looking both ways before passing.

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