Meaning of the candles when they burn, what do they mean to you?

If you are interested in knowing the meaning of candles burninghere we give you some tips so that you learn to interpret the different signals.

Reading the candles is not as difficult as you imagine, in fact it is very easy to understand the message that they want to give you. However, you must have the knowledge acquired with practice but above all a great intuition to recognize the meaning of the candle flame.

Meaning of the candle wick when burning

Perhaps interpreting it can be complicated, however the wick and the shape of the fire when burning can speak clearly about an aspect of your life. If the wick of a candle is at its midpoint, it means that everything is going according to plan. However, when it makes noise or thunder, this means that there are spiritual beings, such as angels, who are trying to communicate with you. The same thing can happen when the wick is blue, it can be interpreted as a harbinger of good news.

And the wax?

The meaning of candle wax is positive the less material remains at the end. If the candle burns inwards and so much wax forms that it causes the wick to go out, this means that there is a lot of negative energy in your environment. However, when the candle melts out, this can be interpreted as a lot of positive news coming into your life, both personally and professionally.

Candles and their meaning by color when burning

Pay close attention, because depending on the color of the candle and the circumstances of its combustion, several situations can be inferred that are undoubtedly related in your life:

red candles

The color red throughout life has been used to rituals with candles related to love or a protection ritual to take care of ourselves or the people around us. It is the tone of the heart, which is why it refers to everything related to health and physical strength. However, it is also related to life as a couple, so if the candle is completely consumed almost without leaving a trace, it can be understood that it is a love for life. In case the candle does not burn, this may mean that they are going to go through obstacles but with a lot of love they will be able to overcome them.


White is the color of harmony, we relate it to purity and protection. When white candles are lit, we invoke natural and sincere feelings, ideal to convey to newlyweds why they serve as protection against bad energies and keep them calm. When you light a white candle, you invoke peace.

Meaning of black candles when burning

Burning black candles can receive the bad energy present in the home or the space where it is lit. Although many people associate them with negative feelings, black candles can be light in the dark and show us the path we should take.

What does it mean when the candle flame is very restless?

This indicates that there are many different energies in your life, and although it seems simple, controlling them is not an easy task. Keep calm and full of tranquility from day to day, put priorities in your routines and do not allow people to interfere with your decisions in your life.

Now that you know how to interpret the meaning of candles burning, go ahead and learn about aromatic candles for the home. Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.

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