Meaning of tarot cards

the children of the magician

It represents the explosion of consciousness and it doesn’t matter what kind of roll we make, its meaning is generally quite positive. Find out more about this radiant arcane here.

Arcane of the day – The Sun (XIX): General characteristics

What stands out the most on the chart is the great star that shines brightly at the highest point of the image. Shine for the two figures below, two kidsshown together. They trust in their future!

Somehow, They remind the little devils that appear in the arcanum of El Diablo, but in this case they are not joined by fatal chains, but rather they choose to touch each other, in brotherhood and trust. Instead of a passionate union, the two characters have a bond of mutual help. The wisdom that was gestated in the shadow of the unconscious with El Diablo now comes to light with El Sol.

  • To know more: The Devil, the arcana XV of the tarot

The twins could be seen as a metaphor for inner work, where we find the most rational part of us trying to guide that wild child that we all carry inside. as adults we must always guide our inner child towards joy.

What does the Sun mean in tarot?

is the vitalitythe beginning of life and the happiness. In a spread with this positive card, he tells us about the beauty in all its formats, both physical and emotional. The healthy ego, without being selfish, awareness and a sense of harmony very developed.

In negativeemotions are lived badly, susceptibility it is skin deep. The vanity and bragging play against us. There is a tendency to believe we are the center of everything. It takes the excesses certain behaviors that turn out to be harmful, even if they were initially good. The image we give does not reflect our true personality; there is a certain superficiality.

How to interpret letter XIX?

this arcane represents us if we form a very united couple with our loved one, or we are fathers. It alludes to the sonsto the creatorsat celebrities. In short: all stunning people and those who like their life, can see themselves represented with this card.

It is clearly an arcanum dedicated to love, so we have to see if it comes up in a question focused on romance. When it comes out positive, it means that love is present, although if it comes out negative, the problems are not as serious as we think. Such is the loving effect of this arcane in a love spread.

On a temporal level, this arcane tells us about the season of the summer. The events will tend to occur in the summer season or also, during the daytime hours; everything serves as support for the divinatory interpretation.

love tarot

It is a letter that brings all the positive and desirable characteristics in a relationship. I know nothing in happiness if it turns out that we consult about the status of our relationship as a couple. Are children are healthy and happy. In addition, they give meaning to the loving union. There is a attraction to beautiful people, mentally and physically speaking. If we are not in a couplewith our light we attract whom we intend to attract.

  • Discover the types of tarot

In a bad position or invertedthis card announces that the unions we make out of interest are destined for the failure. There is a strong tendency to aexcess of emotion and to make sacrifices that leave us in a bad place, we must control the waste of emotion. The possibility of lose a friend very well dear, by circumstances of life.

money and work

It goes through a excellent moment both in the labor thing and in the economic thingthis well-placed card heralds the happiness and material abundance. There is even the possibility of a pay rise. The artistic gifts are enhanced with this arcane, and the advice is highlight as much as possiblebecause we will be able to transfer to others our optimism and good vibes.

on the negative sidethe work may require sacrifices that we are not very willing to go through, the ego suffers. If you are unemployed, it is time to put your pride aside and try again with offers that were rejected previously. money is not abundant when the Sun is against it and it would be very good to review the way of life that is carried, maybe we should do without some luxuries.

health consultations

Is a very positive figure in health, as well as in other spheres of human life. However, if it is in very bad relations with the rest of the cards in the spread, it would be necessary to consider the existence of problems in the heart, viscera, Or just be careful with skin burns due to the power of the sun…

The Sun in the tarot. card reading

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Without this star, there is no life. Love, warmth, children and vitality are expressed through this arcane, so when it appears in a spread its meaning is extremely positiveso the card comes out reversed or against.

It takes on special importance in questions in which we want to know about the childrenor a couple. How will the evolution of love be? In these cases, when the Sun appears, that can only mean good news!

the sun in the past

a happy childhood in the past it is protective and gives us the keys to current problems. And if the past has not been easy, this arcane invites us to be the adult we need during childhood. There is no way to get it wrong in parenting if we let ourselves be guided by kindness.

the sun in the present

Altruistic and generous, like the Sun that does not deny light to anyone, one is happy to share joy with people that we love in the current present, in a climate of harmony and tenderness. We have on our side the ability to be content with what we have, of being what we are! And few riches can be compared to the fortune of knowing how to appreciate what you already have.

the sun in the future

That new life that we need so much will be achieved. We may not notice it, but day after day small transformations take place that lead us towards that total hapiness that promises the Sun when it appears in a spread of cards indicating the future.

Curiosities about the Sun, card XIX of the Major Arcana

  • Here we find the radiant sun-god Apollo, the knight of Olympus and lord of prophecy, music and knowledge. He was the son of Zeus, king of the gods, and Leto, the goddess of the Night. Apollo is the one dispels fear and with its bright light takes away the shadows
  • In numerology, number 19 speaks to us of perfection and reflects unity within the universe.
  • To this arcanum corresponds the color orangethe music note REthe Hebrew letter Resh (meaning «head»), the planet sun and the element Prayed.