Meaning of tarot cards

This card is represented by 3 or 4 characters, depending on the tarot deck. In the Rider Wite tarot, two lovers and the sun appear, while in the Marseilles, L’Amovreux, we can see a man surrounded by two women, and the sun on top. Whatever our deck, actually the undisputed protagonist is the sun, Cupid. Cupid represents the supreme being that grants the approval of falling in love to the characters. The sun indicates that the love that always seems a personal act, is actually a cosmic processbecause the universe creates creatures by virtue of very precise laws that we do not know…

The arcanum of the day number VI The Lovers presents a symbology that is profuse and quite rich in references. The first meaning that comes to mind is that refers to matters of love. But in reality it has many more interpretations! If you want to learn everything about your past, present and future from the hand of this tarot card, be sure to read what follows.

Arcane of the day – The Lovers (VI)

| magic horoscope

The Lovers (or L’Amovreux, in French) represents selective love, the discriminating faculty of the mind, the need to choose and exclude. It has to do with social life, with joy and with one liking what he does. Foreshadow new unions or the choice of what to do. It embodies the ideals of pleasure, beauty, friendship.

Thearcanum presupposes the right choice, consistent with moral beauty and integrity. The lovers, therefore, is a relational card that presents the beginning of social life. It is the first arcana that several characters appear at the same level, since the Pope’s disciples were smaller and were behind their backs.

  • To know more: The arcana of the day: The Pope

What does The Lovers mean in tarot?

The specific events that The Lovers can allude to is a time when sincerity is necessary. The questions we ask will have an answer, for better or for worse… We feel more open towards otherswhich leads us to new situations, whether they are loving or not.

There are multiple proposals in the air and it is necessary to decideIt is not worth postponing the matter any longer.

in a negative sensewe expose ourselves to a period of great uncertainty, in which doubts and internal conflicts surface. Sentimental life may be little or none. The separations and conflicts of a certain magnitude are quite probable realities. The promises they make us will not prosper, or rather they will have little future. This concern can also lead to jealousy, those that one feels or those that one provokes in others. There is the possibility of participating in a love triangle not knowing.

How to interpret the Lovers card?

In a query represents the artistsa people who shine with their own light and with great charisma among the public. Also to the Don Juanesque people, teenagerspeople in love and in general, all those people in contact with the public.

  • Learn about the types of tarot deck

He is a predominantly affective figure, so acquires greater relevance in those matters related to love. In any other field, it will always reflect a hidden question that we will have to ask ourselves: Are we really doing what we like?

The temporal location of the events in which Los Enamorados takes center stage is usually at the noon or in the middle of the yearin case you want to specify when the event in question is most likely to occur.

love tarot

The freshness of this arcane indicates funny loves and new discoveries. Things and beings are loved as they are, with their infinite possibilities of development. At every moment we are willing to participate in their evolution, but also to accept that they remain as they are. The beginning of a new relationship is understood as a increased positive energy that will give us the inner ability to fight for our goals. There is a large family that will be there to support us if needed.

In reverse or negative position, this card complicates things. Symbolizes low sexual instincts wave presence of a third party who stands between the couple, it can be one or an intruder, even a jealous and scheming mother-in-law! This arcane will often speak of a negative view of the bodyfrom guilt linked to appearance, too much awareness of corporality becomes something limiting.

If the question is oriented towards family relationships, the appearance of The Lovers reversed means that the querent has a very strong bond with his mother or father, a psychological dependence that is not healthy and that he must resolve in order to enjoy his sentimental life.

Tarot of Money and work

Indicates the time to create companies or businesses with relatives, or with the coupleIf you have it. success at workif it’s about sales. In addition, it can suggest a turn in the career and the possibility of choosingseveral options can be presented at the same time. Invoke the spirit of analysis, as well as multiple jobs lived with joy. It is also indicative that there is love of learning and diversity.

Poorly positioned or invertedcan mean problems with the couple if you have a joint business or with family. They get up envies between co-workers or with your boss and there could be betrayals at work. indicates poor exam results, you are indecisive and restless. Superiors may doubt one. They don’t feel like working, so they also job interviews go wrong

In the economic fieldpoints to a good time for business or investments of not too great importance. There will be luck in chance! But the sums of money will not be very large.

in the negativeindicates the possibility of loss of money at homeit is advisable to control the expenses and when in doubt, think very carefully instead of rushing out without further ado to spend the money, since Unforeseen events may arise, although these will not be very large.

health tarot

Time to take vitamins, you have to eat better. Need to go on a diet or watch what you eat if it comes out inverted. If the card from Los Enamorados appears to us, it is because it is time for a medical check or make a decision regarding the health issue.

You have to choose very well the physical activities in which time is invested, because health depends on this, on how we manage leisure.

Lovers in tarot. card reading

It is essentially a positive card. in which one is carried away by the torrent of life towards better shores. And of course love will be present throughout the process.

When this major arcana appears in a Tarot spread, it means that We are somewhere along the way where decisions are questioned that have had, have or will have a certain vital transcendence. It is usually about love or relationship issues, but it can also be related to our professional life or negotiations, and if we take the right path, the result will always be satisfactory.

  • Do you want to get more details in a consultation? Then read: The minor arcana

Lovers in the past

The situation at hand has roots in the past. One can question the place that has been attributed to us in the family and strive to identify the projections we make in our current environment.

Most likely, it is still supported today. theemotional weight of a past conflict, but soon it will be resolved and we will be able to free ourselves from such burden; The first step in solving a problem is acknowledging that it exists.

lovers in the present

The Lovers in a consultation about the present makes us wonder about the current state of our emotions and feelings. How is our emotional life? Are we in peace or in conflict? Do we do what we like? What place does love occupy in our lives?

The appearance of this major arcane in a question referring to the present almost certainly indicates that at this time it is going through a situation that needs to be defined, choose between two people or make a decision of any kind, especially in love. It is a decision that we have to make, with no possibility of being avoided.

Lovers in the future

The desired result will be achievedbut it will be necessary to make a decision or make a choice or come to an agreement.

When making decisions in the future, it is vitally important that we always remember that heads and tails are totally opposite, but they belong to the same coin… Even if two decisions seem diametrically opposed, Los Lovers indicates that an intermediate alternative path be considered with which all needs can be met, without losing the love for the beauty that exists in our day to day. This arcane invites us to assimilate that a life well lived requires extra efforts.

Curiosities about The Lovers, card VI of the Major Arcana

  • The image of the sixth major arcana of the tarot is related to the legend of herculesaccording to which he was given the choice between two women, who personified Virtue (determined activity, vocation, purpose, struggle) and Vice (passivity, surrender to internal impulses and external determinations).
  • number 6 predicts an artistic note and harmonious infatuation. The internal forms of honeycomb are built on the hexagon: flexibility and stability at the same time.
  • It corresponds to the sign of Geminimusical note REcolor orangehebrew letter Zaynand with him trail 17 of the tree of life.