Meaning of tarot cards

The forcetrue strength is spiritual.

There is a controversy as to the location of this letter, due to issues of symbology and esoteric traditions that go beyond the scope of this article. We will talk about the Marseille tarot, which has an older tradition.

What divinatory meanings does this tarot card have? Does it represent the same thing in a reading of love, money or health cards? Interpret how this card affects your past, present and future here.

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Arcane of the day – The Force (XI): General Characteristics

The symbology of this card arouses mixed feelings. How is it possible that the force is a woman? And not only that, with her hands she is capable of taming the jaws of the wildest lion. In the hand of this arcane is all the creative powerand the courage to throw it out into the world. True strength is a mixture of intelligence and loveand the Tarot entrusts this ability to a woman.

The gesture of this woman does not show tension, this is proof that the act he performs is not violent.

His figure-eight hat is reminiscent of the Wizard, maintaining a perfect balance. Her blue dress reminds us of the typical passivity of the feminine polarity, but her red cape gives her energy back. The yellow color of the numerous elements of the menu reminds us that we are facing an intelligent figure with a very lively will.

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Of all the animals represented in the tarot, the lion is the only one capable of devouring the human being and yet, the woman who harmonizes with him represents the most sublime dimension of the soul, through which the forces of the miracle pass. It is the triumph of spirit over matter.

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What does Strength mean in tarot?

It is the figure of the domain of situations, this arcane is capable of assuming the ups and downs of life. He is a figure that reconciles actions and thoughts into a positive energy. It is self-confidence and fairness in actions.

Force refers to the beginning of an activity or from a period of life influenced by instinct, creativity… One has to wonder if the young woman of strength allows the animal to express itself or tries to restrain it. After an illness or the end of a cycle, strength represents the return of vital energy.

More specific divinatory meanings refer to the nobility of the heart of one of the characters involved in the matter, a new game. Everything that has to do with a extra energy supply, either at the beginning of an activity, or in emotions that require intensity, such as courage. It is very natural for heroic feelings to arise because one believes one is capable of everything and more. The power of accomplishment is that of the force is great.

Along with this card comes abundance, as well as brightness and sexual magnetism. A great clarity of judgmentas well as a powerfull mind. Self-confidence is present and camping at ease.

in the negative, The Force tells us that there is impatience, and with it the haste that leads to bad results. Anger and cruelty, jealousy and all negative feelings are associated with a bad position in this arcane. affective tyranny and lack of control of emotions, lack of control of external elements, we feel overwhelmed. You can also indicate a sexual problemor the emergence of a hitherto hidden instance of being that asks to express itself for the first time

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How to interpret the XI card?

It represents us if we have achieved success thanks to our own giftsalso in a query symbolizes the dangerous trades peopleto the organizersthe healersas well as all those people who succeed in their art.

Have very important in personal relationships, because it indicates social conflicts. also to know if an attempt is going to be successfulit is important to look at whether this card appears in a favorable position, in which case we can breathe easy.

love tarot

Reciprocal trust is present, it is about an equal union, where peace and calm reign. We go through a great moment of passion with our partner or we are heading towards a satisfactory sexual union. But although this card is positive, it makes us realize that love consists of daily work, in which the will must be involved so that emotional dominance is given. If you want to start something It is a propitious period for the encounters that we provoke.

on the negative side indicates war, conflict and brutality in the deal, even in bed. May exist difficulties feeling sexual pleasure due to a loss of confidence. There is a certain impatience or our partner directly produces a certain rejection.

money and work

The faculties are fully operational. and this leads to an enormous power of realization. It even has everything you need to start independence. success comes from confidence in one’s own abilities, the mastery and the productivity with which it proceeds. In addition, it has recognition of colleagues. It is a good time to take risks in the job market.

on the negative side a loss of control is experienced, or negative emotions such as anger or cruelty appear. You are afraid of doing things wrong. Pride has been hurt and we have a hard time recovering.

The positive influence of La Fuerza in the economy means that money is spent on useful purchases, without having to look at the prices. There is great generosity with family and friends. It’s good move up socially when this letter appears. But if the Force is poorly positionedSo we have to be careful one tends to believe too much in the lucky star.

health consultations

If this letter appears to us, we are in luck! It very rarely refers to the disease. On the contrary, health is in an excellent state and if we are sick, we have the courage and strength to overcome our health problems. If it appears next to arcane XIII, it can indicate great exhaustion.but from which we will know how to recover by resting enough.

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The Force in the tarot. Card reading.

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In a spread of cards, this arcane tends to enhance and reinforce the positive meanings of the associations around him. Force is a figure of extremely powerful energy. In fact, this arcanum is self-sufficient for interpretation.

This arcane is ideal for dealing with psychological issues (“What are my strengths and weaknesses?”). He will also talk about violence or aggressiveness, but above all, the consultation should be focused on how a conflict can be resolved.

The force in the past

In the past we had major conflicts with authority, or we lacked the tools to carry out our own will. This is remembered as conflicting and in the current weak moments, remembering these events leads us to repeat old patterns, trapping our energy in the victimhood.

The force in the present

What kind of strength do you have? Intellectual, emotional, creative…? Do we propose with our ideas to change the world? Do we feel ignorant or foolish? It is important to analyze the present and ask ourselves these questions related to our own strengthbecause the tarot serves above all to expand awareness. It is also interesting to ask ourselves if we feel cowardly, or on the contrary, with the power to be able to do everything, even though we know that the situation needs something extra on our part.

The force in the future

We have the necessary power to achieve the objectives, but we still we must continue to cultivate inner strength. We are on the right path and we should not let anyone doubt us, because they are wrong.

Curiosities about The Force, card XI of the Major Arcana

  • is associated with Herculessince in one of his famous Twelve Labors he had to face the nemean liona huge beast reminiscent of the one that appears in the arcanum of The Force.
  • number 11 is a master number with a ultra high vibration and is associated with the initiation to the spiritual path. It is the union of two opposing forces and symbolizes peace and harmony.
  • has correspondence with Leothe musical note MEthe color yellowthe Hebrew letter theth and with him trail 19 of the tree of life.