Meaning of resilience, a term that is fashionable!

The meaning of resilience it seems to be different sometimes for each person because although we all associate it, very rarely can we define it exactly.

For some time, people began to talk about empathy, patience and stability. All this has been linked to mental and emotional problems that have begun to become evident due to various factors that impact human beings. It is not that social networks, bullying or economic difficulties are to blame for everything bad, but they would be associated with emotional problems that can also be experienced at any time in life.

If you want to know what meditation is for or you want to understand what resilience refers to, then you will be interested in reading this article because we will tell you about it:

Meaning of the word resilience

Referring to the pure definition offered by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) for this term, we must say that it is the «adaptation capacity of a living being in the face of a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation». Put into practice, it would be the ability you have to overcome any problem that life presents to you without losing your values ​​and emotions. These qualities can be individual or collective, because resilience also applies to countries, communities or societies.

Meaning of resilient

Basically, faith in whatever energy, divinity or belief you profess makes you a resilient person, although it is not an exclusive quality of religion. This virtue makes you overcome and adapt to adverse moments. To call yourself or someone resilient, you should have in mind the confidence that everything will work out, no matter how difficult the situation you face. Other qualities of resilient people are patience, creativity, respect and perseverance.

Meaning of resilience in the bible

Throughout the Bible, there are different allusions to resilience and all of them, of course, are contained in verses that express the ability to be light out of darkness. For example in James 1:12it is said that one must «persevere in the face of trials», as well as in Romans 12:21 the faithful are invited to “overcome difficulties and temptation”. From Christianity, resilience is seen as a tool of forgiveness and love among human beings.

Meaning of resilience for children

Also, there are ways to explain to children what resilience is. In this matter, parents play an important role since everything the little ones learn they do from example, so if the elder has the ability to overcome mishaps and after that continues to see things from the positive side, then his son will assume it in the same way. It can be said that children achieve the virtues of resilient people when they learn from setbacks and move on. You could reinforce in them a vision of life in which you instill in them that they do not need to succeed from money or possessions, but from being happy.

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