Meaning of each playing card (normal cards)

yesmeaning of normal cards Next, each of the cards of the cards is presented with its meaning aside for its interpretation.


Meaning of normal cards

yesmeaning of normal letters: Cups or hearts

Ace: It relates to our home and domestic happiness. It can mean visitors, a change of residence, or a message from a family member. Often helpful, but can indicate problems at home.

King; A man of influence and good intentions. Generous and kind, but more hasty than discreet. Unreliable as a counselor. You have to be alert for arguments and fiery temper, as these are the indications.

Queen: A faithful and affectionate woman, often representing a trusting wife or a man’s true love. In a woman’s luck, this card heralds a potential rival, but always one who is kind and plays fair.

The prince: Indicates someone very close to the querent, a close friend or confidant. Not a man, necessarily, but usually a long-time acquaintance, sometimes a childhood sweetheart or boyfriend or a classmate.

10 of hearts meaning: A highly favorable card, which promises success and good luck in any project. Sometimes it indicates a big surprise, always lucky. Adds strength to nearby good cards and counteracts the effect of bad ones.

9 of hearts meaning : A card of accomplishment that promises harmony and success to projects indicated by the accompanying cards. Often called «the card of wishes» that makes dreams come true. Around bad cards, they mean obstacles, sometimes serious.

8 of hearts meaning : The festive letter presages happy occasions in which everyone must «eat, drink, and be merry». Generally, it refers to events already anticipated or planned, so you have to review or analyze the adjacent cards to see if they help or hurt the event.

7 of hearts meaning: This is a letter of false hopes and rash promises. You should never depend on other people for plans. Everything can be expected around negative cards, even true enmity, so you don’t have to count on anything.

6 of hearts meaning: This card demonstrates weakness in the querent, a warning that he can be easily influenced, particularly in ways indicated by the accompanying cards. It means an overly generous or indulgent nature.

5 of hearts meaning: A letter of indecision. Inability of the querent to decide on specific issues. Occasionally shows changes in environment due to desire to escape from problems.

4 of hearts meaning: This is the sign of the “bachelor” or “spinster”, although it often means a long-delayed or postponed marriage, sometimes as a result of a reconciliation. Often due to the prudish disposition of the querent.

3 of hearts meaning: This is a card denoting exalted action on the querent’s part. Impetuous, indiscreet decisions will threaten or derail favorable ventures and can spell disaster when other adverse cards are present.

2 of hearts meaning: This is the card of success, promising great fortune, often beyond the querent’s expectations. Adverse cards will delay this and often force the querent to consider other projects rather than those where obstacles appear.


yesmeaning of normal letters: clubs or clubs

Ace; This is a card of wealth, financial triumphs and with them, fame in the chosen profession. It also indicates the existence of many friends, all helpful to the seeker throughout his life.

King: Represents an individual of constant and valuable friendship. With a man, sometimes a rival, but a generous one. With a woman, this man can be a family member or family friend, but always an honest, loyal and sincere advisor.

Queen: A kind and affectionate woman, sometimes capricious but always loyal, whether in friendship or love. For a male querent, this card perhaps indicates a wife; for a woman, a lifelong confidant.

The prince: A friend who will prove to be generous and sincere and can represent any friend of the querent. The card also indicates flattery, but only well-intentioned.

10 of wands meaning; A strong card of good luck. It brings fortune from an unexpected source and sometimes promises of a long and successful journey. A letter of happiness, which drives away any bad influences.

9 of wands meaning: A letter of real difficulties. The querent may lose a friend as a result. Otherwise, it means frequent quarrels between friends, which will have harmful results. Ambition wounded by obstinacy.

8 of wands meaning: Indicates an overwhelming desire for money. Denotes a person who will play borrowed money with his own.

7 of wands meaning: A card of great good luck, provided there is no interference, particularly from the opposite sex. This card needs to be accompanied by favorable ones to ensure its own success.

6 of wands meaning: This is the letter of association, a sure sign of good business based on friendship. In any scheme indicated by companion cards, be sure to consult friends or seek financial help.

5 of wands meaning: A marriage letter: usually means a link with a rich person. In any case, it offers a prosperous future for both parties. It must be carefully considered in relation to other projects.

4 of wands meaning: A dangerous card, indicating sudden misfortune or failure in a project. You have to be alert for fickle friends. They may affect any good prospects otherwise indicated.

3 of wands meaning: A sign of a second marriage and often a third, with good prospects. Sometimes it indicates a long engagement with one person followed by a marriage with another, after an amicable breakup.

2 of wands meaning: A letter of direct opposition. Don’t count on help from friends or business associates. They may be the ones who oppose you.


yesmeaning of normal cards: Pentacles or Diamond

Ace: This card means an important message. It can be written or what the accompanying letter indicates. It can mean money or a gift, this one in the form of an engagement ring.

King: A dangerous man. In business, often a tough competitor. In love, a bitter rival. With women, this card can mean a deceitful lover or a bad-tempered husband.

Queen: A flirtatious woman, who will interfere in love and business if the consultant is a man. Given to gossip and scandals with other women, if she is female. She dangerous, attractive and with persuasive powers over the masculine.

The prince: A selfish person, usually a man. A messenger who brings bad news. Occasionally a jealous family member or an unreliable friend. Rarely dangerous if the consultant is a man, but bad for a woman, except when good cards appear.

The 10 of diamonds meaning: This card means money, although it may not be obtained. It can indicate a trip, with money as the goal. It can also mean an unexpected marriage, usually with money involved.

The 9 of diamonds meaning: An adventure letter, with a passion for travel. Here, too, money is the goal. It can mean a need to move from one place to another, always hoping to get better. It can bring unexpected news about money, good or bad, depending on the accompanying cards.

The 8 of diamonds meaning: This letter is related both to travel and to a marriage at a somewhat advanced age. Sometimes the two things are closely associated, such a trip resulting from a courtship. This card indicates rural life.

The 7 of diamonds meaning: A letter of bad aspects. Indicates the player, usually a strong loser. It also concerns false rumors and unfair criticism. It can be considered as bad luck in any company or purpose.

The 6 of diamonds meaning: This card denotes an early marriage. It also threatens an unhappy end for himself. It also bodes ill for a second marriage. Adjacent cards can reveal the reasons.

The 5 of diamonds meaning: This is a card of prosperity in business or marriage, perhaps both. With business, long, lasting friendships will be won through honest transactions. With marriage, pride in family and children.

The 4 of diamonds meaning: A letter of fights, applicable both to family and friends. It shows forgotten or neglected friendships. In marriage, it indicates frequent quarrels and interference from relatives.

The 3 of diamonds meaning: This is a card of disputes and dependencies. It means disagreements in business, legal trials. The same applies to the home, this being a sign of separation and perhaps divorce.

The 2 of diamonds meaning: Here we have the symbol of a serious love affair: the others will determine whether a marriage will result or interfere with it. Certainly, it indicates intervention in other matters.


yesmeaning of normal letters: Spades or spades

Ace: It is a card of misfortune, sometimes called «the card of death». It does not always apply to the person consulting but more generally means bad news, particularly deaths. It causes emotional conflicts in love, family and friendships.

King: It represents an ambitious man who will prove to be dangerous in terms of marriage or business relationships. For the consulting woman, it is a warning against a man who may turn out to be worthless or incompatible, according to the nearby cards.

Queen: The letter from a treacherous person, often an insensitive woman of the «merry widow» type. With women, it means betrayal by a «very dear friend.»

The prince: This is the «hat» card. It shows a pretended friend or inept associate who may be sincere, but is lazy and will hinder the querent in any undertaking.

10 of spades meaning: A very unlucky letter. The best that can be said for it is that it merely nullifies good omens. When he finds himself with bad cards, he doubles his odds.

9 of swords meaning: It is considered as the worst card in the deck. It can mean sickness, loss of money, or misery, even among the best cards.

8 of swords meaning: A letter of opposition. False friends can become your enemies. Fortunately, most of the difficulties predicted by this card can be avoided if its warning is heeded. Examine all your affairs immediately.

7 of spades meaning : Sorrows and disputes are revealed by this card: sometimes a combination of both situations. Avoid misunderstandings with family and friends, which you may regret later. Let things continue until the bad luck passes.

6 of swords meaning: This is the card of many plans and few results. It is associated with the…