[su_box title=»¡Consejo!» box_color=»#000000″ title_color=»#ffffff»]♥ TIP: If you are passionate the esoteric world of the meaning of candlesyou cannot miss this book 👈 where, among other things, you will learn to interpret the meaning of melted candles[/su_box]

Along with each of the colors of the candles, there are implicit powers and forces that are invoked every time one of these candles is lit in your home.

And it is that even if you think that you are just lighting a candle without more, you are really opening a door to the mystical that can help you achieve tranquility, the spiritual strength you need.

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Meaning of candle colors

Below we explain each of the meanings of colored candles; In this way, every time you light one, you will already know the energies that you are attracting to your home or to you and your family:

Meaning of white candles

the color of the white candles is related to the purityit divine and immaculate.

We will use the white candle to purify and clean the home, because it is a candle that absorbs bad energy, bad omens, envy and the evil eye…

It is a candle that when you light it you invoke calm and well-being, harmony and concentration.

Another feature that makes this color of candles special is that it is a neutral candle, that is, you can use it to replace other colors of candles.

Meaning of yellow candles

the color of the yellow candles is related to the money and the material goods.

But by lighting a candle of this color you are also invoking creativity and communicationin addition to helping to raise self-confidence.

And like the white candle, the yellow candle is a neutral candle, which will serve to replace another and to use it to clean environments and charge them with new and good energies.

Meaning of orange candles

the color of the orange candles is related to the intelligence, creativity, power and fertility.

It also attracts good vibes and positive energies.

It helps to achieve lucidity and peace, hence it helps to calm conflict situations and lift your spirits.

A color that really flatters them.

Meaning of red candles

the color of the red candles is related to the love and the sensuality and is also associated with fire, courage and self-esteem.

The color red is also the color of business.

Every time you light a red candle you are attracting to yourself the love, strength and self-confidence that comes with the energy of overcoming.

It is without a doubt the most passionate candle.

Meaning of pink candles

the color of the pink candles is related to the togetherness and friendshipin addition to having the power to attract good health.

Every time you light a pink candle you are attracting physical well-being and good health to you and your home.

They are also useful to attract romance and concordance.

One of the most used candles by connoisseurs in the matter.

Meaning of blue candles

the color of the blue candles is related to the calm and reflection.

Every time you light a blue candle you are invoking concentration and even stimulating memory.

They also help create a relaxing environment that helps in times of change and transformation.

This blue candle is also used to improve fluid communication and achieve a harmonious relationship.

Meaning of light blue candles

the color of the sky blue candles is intimately related to the emotionsin addition to promoting good and correct understanding and also helps with agreements.

If you want a good family relationship, light a light blue candle.

Also when you light a candle of this color you will have a better vision of your projects to carry them out.

Meaning of green candles

The color and meaning of green candles is related to the growth, health, fresh and renewed; besides being the color of hope.

Every time you light a green candle, you are renewing the atmosphere and filling the room with freshness and well-being.

With this candle color you will also be reinforcing and improving love for yourself, relationships and friendship; In addition, it also helps us in self-improvement, which makes us believe in ourselves to achieve the objectives that we have set for ourselves.

Meaning of purple candles

the color of the purple candles is related to the leaders who are associated with the change of the energy into something magical or spiritual.

These purple candles are used above all in meditation, to clear the mind and think outside the box. sensible. It is also used by those who need to reach faith or ease the pain of losing a loved one.

Meaning of brown candles

the color of the brown candles is related to the problemsits reason and meaning.

It is also associated with tenacity, helping us to achieve our economic desires.

Light a brown candle and it will help to meditate to find a solution to that problem that we have and blocks us.

A candle to light in difficult times.

Meaning of black candles

the color of the black candles Is associated with the end of somethingbad vibes and negative energies.

The black candle is used to precisely end that which hurts us.

Many times they are also associated with thoughts or desires of a negative nature, by expressions as typical as «I put two black candles» but this does not necessarily have to correspond to reality.

Meaning of golden colored candles

The color of golden candles is associated with wisdom, renewal, birth or the beginning of something; In addition to relating this golden color with money and material goods and also with the sun.

This gold candle is used in business to attract sales and customers, money and good fortune.

But this color is also used in a more meditative sense towards unity with others, making us feel that we are connected and united with all the living beings that surround us and that move with the same divine essence.

Meaning of silver candles

The color of silver candles is related to the moon and protection.

This candle is widely used in rituals of protection and to stimulate the imagination.

It wears the same color as the armor and chainmail of the warriors and soldiers of the Middle Ages. A candle to keep in mind at times when we suspect that someone wants to harm us.

Meaning of the 7 color candles

the color of the seven color candles They are formed by the colors of the rainbow and are used mainly for the ritual of the seven powers, in which they are related: Union, Harmony, Good Luck, Strength, Protection, Prosperity and Well-being.

With this ritual, sufficient concentration is achieved to reflect on the problems that have been had in the week, reaching the clarity and visualization of its solution. You will achieve harmony and enough confidence to achieve your goals.

With this basic knowledge you already know what you are invoking with each candle you are lighting, in addition to relaxing and clean up the environment of your home.

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