Meaning: Peace

Celestial blue is a color that bestows peace, is one of the colors that best evokes purity along with white. Hence, the sky blue color will seize us with peace to achieve a state free of prejudice in our desires.

Let’s not forget that candles absorb and let flow through the space in which they are found the power that color gives them, in such a way that lighting a celestial candle is the way to fill the environment with peace to think.

In turn, blue in general is a serious color, it is a color of important or transcendental matters that invites reflection. That is why we must give it importance for when we need reflect and yet we cannot think clearly because we are excited.

That is precisely the key to what the light blue color achieves and it is that we get to put aside our emotionswhether it’s anger, the most primal infatuation, passion, nerves, madness, all the passions to be able to think with absolute clarity.

In love, it has a use very similar to that of pink candles, since it manages to clear the mind and try to appease the spirits to reconcile or make a relationship more stable.

The celestial sails leave us the feeling of fullness that we feel when we are lying in a green field, breathing deeply and looking at a clear blue sky that gives us the feeling of peace that we need.

Elements that accompany the light blue color

Candles are the main element to carry out rituals in which we want to empower ourselves with certain energies that the candles transmit with the color with which they are composed.

However, to reinforce that energy it is recommended that we use more elements that they reinforce that force that lighted candles display, that is why we always find out the stones, the flowers, the days of the week and other elements that are consistent.

In the case of sky blue we have the following:

  • Stone : Lapis lazuli
  • Planet: Venus
  • Goddess: Aphrodite
  • Day of the week: Friday
  • Flowers: Poppy or Lilac
  • Copper metal
  • Time: Sunset
  • Number 6

the lapis lazuli It had to be the stone that accompanies the light blue candle because it is the blue stone par excellence, as even its name indicates.

In addition it is a very spiritual stone and therefore very much in keeping with the functions that the light blue color attracts.

The chosen planet is Venusbecause it is a planet that has an energy for the durability of things in this case of decisions, it was also the planet for the color pink, and that is because the colors that evoke calm are dominated by this planet.

Aphrodite is the goddess of loveboth for the most primary and for the most lasting relationships and for this reason, it is considered that celestial blue gives lovers the serenity they need to solve problems and that love reigns and with it the influence of this magnificent goddess.

On Friday It is the most appropriate day of the week to reflect, it is the day on which the daily week ends and we can stop to think about everything we have done to start our weekend break in a positive way.

There are blue poppies and lilacs They are very appropriate flowers for love but they also continue to give impetus to the color blue thanks to their shades.

Copper It is the chosen metal because it represents humility, the tranquility of feelings and precisely the light blue one intends to reinforce these characteristics over and over again, so we could not choose another.

The sunset It is the moment of maximum relaxation and calm because the rest of the day we activate ourselves to take advantage of the hours, that is why when the afternoon falls and the Sun disappears from our sight we can postpone the tasks and reflect.

The number 6 it is the number of Venus and evokes positive feelings as long as we do not repeat it 3 times…

Buy light blue candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that celestial candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Video about the meaning of light blue candles

In this video explanatory you will find in a more visual way the meaning that this candle has and what trying to follow rituals with it can bring you.

With all this, we hope that thanks to the energy of these candles we can obtain that freedom of mind to make all vital decisions without letting ourselves be carried away by prejudices, or bad feelings that sometimes cloud the mind

A clear mind is a much more intelligent mind.

Other must-have candle colors:

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!

Last updated on 2022-09-05 / Affiliate Links / Affiliate API Images