The advent wreath It is a typical and traditional element within the Christian culture, which symbolizes the four weeks of December, known as Advent Weeks.

What do the most characteristic candles of the Christmas? Coming up next, we tell you.

Over time, its religious meaning has been somewhat lost and it has remained as something more typical of Christmas, being considered rather as one more decoration; and it is that according to the Christian tradition in each candle lighting one or another passage from the Bible should be read and accompanied with prayers.

But before continuing we are going to explain what is the Advent Wreath made of and what is the meaning as a whole and each one of the candles that are placed inside this crown.

The meaning of the candles of the advent wreath (as a whole)

The Advent Wreath is composed of a crown made with pine or spruce branchesto which other decorations are usually added such as pine cones or holly balls, bows…

There are those who place red apples on the crown representing Eden, Eve and Adam; somewhat ironic as this is the forbidden fruit that led to sin.

Did you know?…

Although it can also be mounted on a pine or holly garland, this is usually a circle or crown because it symbolizes what eternalbecause it has neither a beginning nor an end.

In addition to being linked to the love of God which is also eternal.

And creating it with green branches of pine or holly is because the color green symbolizes life and hope.

Within the crown or between its branches are placed four candles, which together form a square; although it is also very common to place a fifth candle in the center of the crown.

And you’ll be wondering what is the meaning of the advent wreath candles and why does it have to be four or five candles?

The four candles represent each of the Sundays of the week of Advent and the fifth candle represents the day of the Birth of Christ .

And all this symbolizes gratitude to the coming either arrival of christbecause that is exactly what the word Advent means, which comes from the Latin, coming.

Hence, these advent candles are lit before Christmas arrives, because they are warning us precisely of its arrival.

Meaning of the four candles of the advent wreath (separately)

And you see if they notify us of the arrival of the Christmasbecause the first candle is lit on the first Sunday of December and thus a candle is lit for each passing Sunday, so that when the December 25th all the candles are lit.

In fact, if you put the fifth candle, that day is when you have to light it, which has to be placed in the center of the crown and it has to be white.

And which advent candle lights first?

Next we will explain the meaning and advent candle colors separately and also the order in which you have to turn them on, as well as the prayers to carry out:

Meaning and prayer of the purple advent candle

The purple candle is the first to light, that is, it is the one you would light the first sunday from December.

With this purple candle we would be showing our repentance and requesting forgiveness.

When you turn on the first candle Advent we should make the following prayer:

We turn on, Lord, this light, like someone who lights his lamp to go out at night to meet the friend who is coming.

In this first week of Advent we want to get up to wait for you prepared, to welcome you with joy. Many shadows surround us.

Lots of flattery lulls us to sleep. We want to be awake and vigilant, because you bring the clearest light, the deepest peace and the truest joy. Come Lord Jesus! Come Lord Jesus!

Meaning of the yellow advent candle (substitute candle)

The yellow candle would also be lit on the first Sunday and is usually done in substitution for the purple candle.

With this yellow candle we would be confirming our faith in Christ our Lord.

The sentence would be similar to that of the purple candle since the yellow candle can be used as a substitute, that is, if we do not have a purple candle at hand we could use a yellow one, in this case.

Meaning and prayer of the green advent candle

The green candle would light on second sunday of Advent and means the hope and just as the branches used to create the crown represent eternal life.

The green candle can be replaced by a light blue candle, with which we would be accepting God’s justice.

When you turn on the second candle Advent we should make the following prayer:

The prophets kept Israel’s hope burning. We, as a symbol, light these two candles. The old trunk is sprouting and trembles because God has sown himself in our flesh…

May each one of us, Lord, open his life to you so that you sprout, so that you flourish, so that you are born and keep hope burning in our hearts. Come quickly, Lord! Come, Savior!

Meaning and prayer of the pink advent candle

The pink candle will be lit on third sunday of the month and with it we would be symbolizing the joy we feel for the arrival of Christ.

When you turn on the third candle Advent we should make the following prayer:

In the darkness a light was lit, in the desert a voice cried out. The good news is announced: the Lord is coming! Prepare his path, because he is coming! Adorn your soul as a bride adorns herself on her wedding day.

The messenger arrives! John the Baptist is not the light, but the one who announces the light to us. When we light these three candles each one of us wants to be your torch so that you shine, call so that you warm.

Come, Lord, save us, wrap us in your light, warm us in your love!

Meaning and prayer of the red advent candle

The red candle would be lit in last place and with it we represent and confirm our unconditional love for God Our Lord and he for us.

When you turn on the fourth candle Advent we must carry out the following prayer:

The Virgin and Saint Joseph, with their faith, hope and charity, emerge victorious in the test. There is no rejection, no cold, no darkness or discomfort that can separate them from the love of Christ that is born.

They are the blessed of God who receive him. God does not find a better place than that manger, because there was the immaculate love that receives him. We join Our Lady and Saint Joseph with a sincere desire to renounce everything that prevents Jesus from being born in our hearts.

Meaning of the white candle of the wind crown

The white candle lights the day December 25th and as we have mentioned it would be placed in the center of the crown.

With this candle, which symbolizes purity, we would be representing the arrival and presence of Jesus Christ, whom we would be welcoming.

Warning to the clueless…

As the candles are consumed, especially those that we lit on the first Sundays, you see them being replaced by new ones; so that when December 25 arrives all the candles are lit.

Video about the meaning of advent candles

If you want to learn more about advent candles and their meaning Do not miss this video because it will solve all the doubts that you may have.

So now you know what you are symbolizing and invoking when you place an Advent Wreath in your house and light the candles every Sunday.

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!