Matthew Carvajal He shared with his followers the worst thing he did on a first date and took the opportunity to ask them if the same thing had happened to them.
The former Challenge participant gave a lot to talk about after one of his friends revealed that they had finished him and that is why he was single again. However, on this occasion he drew attention for revealing what his “biggest botch” On the first date.
Mateo Carvajal told his followers what his worst mistake had been on a first date
Through his official Instagram account, Mateo Carvajal wanted to share a space with his followers so that they could ask him different questions. However, there was one in particular that caught the athlete’s attention and that was when they told him “A story of… The biggest shit*&%+ on a first date”.
Immediately, Mateo remembered that a rather embarrassing situation he had experienced was when “I hope this doesn’t just happen to me. I don’t know, sometimes like in the middle of a conversation he starts: – Ah, what’s his name?. Although he did not mention with whom this painful situation happened, his followers took the opportunity to remember that he had had relationships with Lina Arroyave, Luisa Fernanda W and Melina Ramírez.
And you, what do you think of the worst «faux pas» of Mateo Carvajal on a first date? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.