Mastitis in Dogs – The Complete Guide

Oh my, your dog suddenly has red and swollen mammary glands. She’s obviously in pain too.

Mastitis in dogs often occurs after giving birth. One or more mammary gland complexes can be affected.

Here you can find out everything about the teat inflammation. How to recognize it, what causes it and how it can be treated.

What is mastitis in dogs?

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands that is very painful for the bitch. Fortunately, mastitis in dogs is not contagious.

Small injuries to one or more mammary glands can allow germs to penetrate the tissue.

Breast engorgement can also cause mastitis.

In rare cases, mastitis can also occur in dogs with a false pregnancy. But this is extremely rare.

The bitch’s teat usually consists of five pairs mammary glands. This feeds the puppies.

What are the causes of mastitis?

The most common causes of mastitis in dogs are bacteria or engorgement.

Bacteria can get through smallest injuries penetrate into the tissue of the mammary gland. The little teeth and claws of the puppies are to blame.

The puppies are drinking too little, or if the bitch has only given birth to one or two puppies, it can result in one engorgement come.

The teat is not completely emptied and this leads to inflammation.

Symptoms: correctly recognize mastitis

With mastitis in dogs, the mammary glands swell. In addition, it feels warm or even hot and is very sensitive to pain.

In severe cases, your female four-legged friend will experience fever and exhaustion.

pain related the bitch doesn’t want to let her puppies drink anymore. And your dog mom often refuses to eat herself.

Often only one mammary gland is affected by mastitis in dogs. A bloody or purulent milk secretion can be squeezed out of it.

However, several mammary glands can also be affected.

The following general symptoms are typical of canine mastitis:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • Pains
  • warmth
  • Functional Limitations

Mild and acute or severe form of mastitis

At a mild shape (milk engorgement) the bitch has symptoms like:

  • panting
  • malaise
  • exhaustion

The teats are warm, swollen and sensitive to pain.

In the acute or severe form The symptoms of mastitis are:

  • Fever
  • Reddish to bluish teats
  • Pain and warmth in the affected teats
  • Reddish, flaky, or purulent discharge from the affected mammary gland(s).
  • Strong pain
  • The bitch no longer lies down
  • indifference
  • apathy
  • The puppies are no longer allowed to drink

The disease also affects the puppies. They are limp, whine, have diarrhea or vomit.


Do the symptoms not go away on their own within 2-3 daysyou have to go to the vet immediately!

Diagnosis of mastitis in dogs

First, the vet will ask you about the course of the disease so far. He then feels the teats of the sick bitch.

The dog lies on her back. Even small injuries become visible.

For a reliable diagnosis, milk is taken from the bitch and fed bacteria examined.

Streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli are mainly responsible for mastitis in dogs.

What you can do yourself

Put cooling pads on the sensitive teats of your fur nose.

The Cool reduces pain and has a decongestant effect.

You can also milk the inflamed mammary glands yourself. Do this carefully.


Puppies with mastitis should never drink milk from the affected teats. The germs in the milk would lead to fatal blood poisoning.

Treatment and therapy of mastitis

Mastitis is a must antibiotics be treated. It is important that an antibiogram is used to find out which type of bacteria caused the inflammation of the teats.

The type of bacteria determines which antibiotic the four-legged friend receives against mastitis.

In addition, the bitch receives a prolactin inhibitor. This prevents further milk production.

Painkillers ensure that the bitch does not have to torture herself.

complication of mastitis

If mastitis in dogs is not treated in time, it can lead to purulent tissue meltdowns. A mammary gland abscess develops.

With the breast ulcer, pus collects in a cavity. A knot can be felt.

In the case of an abscess or necrosis of the tissue, surgical treatment is necessary.

In severe cases, a mastectomy may even be necessary.

What is the life expectancy with mastitis?

If mastitis in dogs is treated in good time, the chances of recovery are very good. Your bitch’s life expectancy will not be shortened.

If the teat inflammation is left untreated, it can lead to a deadly come course.

The life expectancy of the puppies also depends on the quick action of the veterinarian and owner.

Under no circumstances should the puppies drink from the diseased sections of the teats.

How to properly prevent mastitis?

The most important thing you can do to support your bitch and prevent canine mastitis to prevent is hygiene.

hygiene measures

Starting with the daily cleaning of the whelping box, cleaning the water and food bowls up to the disinfection of dog bed and floor you can do a lot yourself.

Pillows and blankets should also be washed regularly.

General care of your bitch should be a matter of course – not just to prevent teat inflammation. This includes caring for their fur and teeth.

After the birth, you should make sure that not only the whelping box is hygienically clean.

Your bitch’s body should also be cleaned with a soft cloth moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Warmth is good for your bitch after a strenuous birth. Make sure that she can raise her puppies in a well-tempered climate.

Another important procedure is the claws of the puppies from the second week of life to be shortened. In this way you prevent the puppies from injuring their teats when drinking milk.

Has your dog ever had mastitis? how did you deal with it Please leave us tips in the comments.