Masculine traits that attract us to women

What is your type of man? It is worth saying that it depends on what you want it for, because it is one thing to want it to have it for a single night of passion or to stay with it all your life, at least this shows a study.

A study has identified what type of men is more attractive to a woman in a long-term relationship and for a sexual adventure.

Although beauty is a subjective concept, evolutionarily, we are still slaves to the biology of our ancestors. Those with the most adaptive traits survived longer and therefore reproduced more, carrying on these traits of success in their offspring.

This scheme, which is the basis of the Darwinian theory of evolution, sometimes runs into pitfalls. A surprise that we did not expect is the conclusion reached by a study carried out by the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology of the University of Galsgow, which states that, precisely, the most masculine traits are not the ones that most attract women. At least for a long-term relationship.

Although we may think that the typically masculine features, with a prominent jawline, marked browbone and prominent cheekbones, are the most attractive, the truth is that the smoother and sweeter profiles are more attractive to women when choosing a partner with which to commit.

Male traits are desirable for reproduction, but less so for establishing attachment relationships.

The primary goal of the study was to analyze how sex hormones influence women’s preferences for men’s faces. This is the largest study to date on this topic. collecting 50 photos of young caucasian men. During the experiment, the scientists produced two versions of each of these photographs: one adjusting the more typically female features and the other accentuating typical male features.

The scientists asked nearly 600 straight women to look at these photos and rate the attractiveness of men for two types of relationships: an affair and a long-term relationship. The women also provided saliva samples, which the researchers analyzed for sex hormones such as estradiol and testosterone.

In the attractiveness test for a long-term relationship, women were told the following: “You are looking for the type of man who would be attractive for a long-term relationship. For example, someone to move in with, a partner to live with, and someone to eventually get married or engaged to.”.

At the same time, in the test of attractiveness for a short-term relationship, the women had the following instructions: “You are looking for the type of attractive man for a sexual adventure, which may not last very long. That is, a limited time adventure or one night only.

Surprisingly, the traits rated as most attractive for long-term relationships were the most feminine; instead, the typically masculine ones were mostly chosen for a sporadic adventure.

Also, hormone levels were not significantly related to women’s preference for masculine faces for a long-term relationship.

The researchers also found no evidence that women using the contraceptive pill prefer more feminine faces, as had been suggested at the start of the study.

The research can be read in a publication prior to the official publication, in the absence of peer review, the last step before publication in a scientific journal.

Reproduction, yes. attachment, not

Women did go for typically masculine faces, but only for a sexual fling or short-term relationship.

This could be because masculine traits, such as a large jawline and high cheekbones, indicate good inherited characteristics, such as a strong immune system. Desirable characteristics for sexual reproduction, although not so much to establish an attachment relationship with which to raise the possible offspring.

What’s more, typically masculine traits have been linked to people who are less willing to spend time on personal relationships, scientists say.

Reference: Benedict C. Jones, Amanda C. Hahn, Claire I. Fisher, Hongyi Wang, Michal Kandrik, Chengyang Han, Vanessa Fasolt, Danielle Morrison, Iris J. Holzleitner, Kieran J. O’Shea, Craig Roberts, Anthony C. Little, Lisa M. DeBruine. ‘No evidence that preferences for facial masculinity track changes in women’s hormonal status’. BioRxiv, The Print Server of Biology (2017). Doi:

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