Mary Magdalene: her true story

Much has been said about this biblical character who accompanied Jesus and his apostles. In the particular historical context of Antiquity she was described as a prostitute who, repentant of her sins, adopts the teachings of the Messiah. Nevertheless, Mary Magdalene in her real story it can be more interesting and complex.

Real history of Mary Magdalene

Origin of Mary Magdalene

Since the seventies of the last century, excavations have been carried out in what was the old town of Magdala, birthplace of Mary Magdalene. Today it is called Migdal and is located in Israel.

It is a site of more than 2000 years old, in which important buildings have been found, such as a synagogue, baths, a port and private houses. Much remains to be discovered, as only 15% has been explored. Apparently, it was a prosperous population, since it was dedicated to the commercialization of the fish of Lake Tiberias. Therefore, it is possible that Mary Magdalene in her real story She was a woman of good standing.

Evolution of the Church

With the physical disappearance of Jesus Christ, various groups with different conceptions proliferated. There were factions more inclined to the dogmas of Judaism, others were more inclined to the Hellenic culture and assumed these beliefs. They were tendencies that obtained a certain prestige at the beginning of Christianity, but, finally, those who prevailed were the proto-orthodox.

You should know that of the various gospels that were written to capture the oral preaching of the apostles, those of Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint Matthew and Saint Mark they are called canonical, accepted by the current Catholic Church. In them, this woman is mentioned as a person present at the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. They also refer to her to point out that she accompanied the Messiah and her apostles in Galilee and took care of material provisions. Lastly, she was an eyewitness to the resurrection.

Other writings, such as those of Thomas and Philip, were considered apocryphal. There are even two fragments of what is considered the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, also called the Fourth Gospel. In these texts the link between her and Jesus is pointed out and your partner relationshipvery close, which gave him a particular leadership among the apostles.

As is often the case, the predominance of the orthodox meant that everything that was different, as is the case with these gospels, was considered heretical. Mary Magdalene and her real story they passed to a very relegated plane and she was disqualified by the dominant current of the Church.

Prostitute, sick, possessed?

Did you know that in the times of Jesus, the cures he performed were always interpreted as expelling demons? The reason is that any disease was considered, in these ancient cultures, a consequence of presence of evil spirits in the affected person.

Pope Gregory I was one of those who thought that this woman could be a great sinner. In his homily 33 he merges three women into one: the rescued adulteress by stoning Jesus, Mary of Bethany, a woman of ill repute, and Mary Magdalene. This happened in the year 591 and since then the belief became popular. The Pope affirmed that the expulsion of seven demons from his body could not be anything other than the purification of his many vices.

Another source for the belief that this woman was a prostitute is the Talmud, where a Miriam Megaddlela is mentioned. The translation is Mary with braided hair, a sign among the Jews of the time of being of a licentious life. It is also thought that during the first centuries of Christianity a parallelism was established between this woman and Eve. Both sinners, both prone to lust and yet rescued from their faults by Jesus and his sacrifice.

who is today

During the Middle Ages this woman was revered and considered miraculous. Some legends tell that she came to France, where she devoted herself to preaching. These beliefs have continued today, as both the Catholic Church and the Anglican and Orthodox they consider her holy and several temples have been dedicated to him.

Pope John Paul II referred to her as the Apostle of Apostles, apostola apostolurumin the letter Mulieris Dignitatem 1988. Pope Francis has been more active in claiming the image of mary magdalene. By her express wish before the Pontifical Congregation for Divine Worship, this saint now has her feast in the General Roman Calendar, and since 2016 this liturgical feast is celebrated on July 22.

Thus, this woman who was identified as an adulteress, a prostitute, a sinner and a demoniac, with an image of a repentant and eternally sobbing sinner, is now venerated with her festival and her consecrated temples. as you imagined, Mary Magdalene in her real story He is one of the most mysterious and complex characters in the Bible, and the analysis of his events is a fascinating undertaking.