Marian Rojas: «Redirecting some character traits is key to controlling anxiety»

Marian Rojas-Estapé is a Psychiatrist Spanish woman with a true vocation for the profession to which she decided to dedicate her life. In the program Weekendfrom COPE, Marian Rojas talks about the anxiety, how it originates, what is the factor that activates it, and how to control this mental health problem.

Anxiety, according to Marian Rojas

«Anxiety is that feeling of internal tension that something is wrong or is going to go wrongand it has physical and psychological symptoms. People begin to perceive situations as dangerous or threatening,» he explains. «There are certain profiles of people who are more prone to suffer from anxiety. Sometimes, understanding that it is this way of being that triggers anxiety, it can be modulated by redirecting these character traits.»

However, not everything that fits into this definition is anxiety: «You should not confuse anxiety with everyday things that can make you tense, such as having to take your children to school and go to work, because you don't know if you'll get there on time, but it doesn't block you. Anxiety goes beyond that, tea blockyou begin to notice that your brain and mind are not working properly: tachycardia, eyelid tremor… The initial tension becomes uncontrollable, and this can lead to a panic attack. These people become more vulnerable. We often tend to medicate, and this makes many people dependent.

What circumstances trigger anxiety?

According to Marian Rojas, anxiety can be caused by a external circumstances, for example, living in the middle of a pandemic or having a stressful job. But it can also be some personality trait. In this case, we can talk about:

  • People who tend to excesses and they have no control over themselves: they binge, drink too much, shop compulsively. excess generates dopamine, and that, in the long run, becomes a state of anxiety.
  • People excessively controlling and perfectionist, that are on par nonconformists and live in tension. For this reason, they are vulnerable to anxiety, and will surely suffer from it at some point in their lives.
  • People who have ruminative thoughts, and he turns everything around.
  • Excessive concern about physical appearance: people with eating disorders, body dysmorphia, etc.
  • Individuals who are It is difficult to express one's emotions, and they keep it all inside.
  • People hypersensitive.

Understanding, managing and redirecting These ways of being are key to tackle anxiety and achieve well-being.

Good emotional management is key to being happy.

Marian Rojas

The work of Marian Rojas

With great interest in the solidarity projects, Marian Rojas was in Cambodia helping girls sold into sex trafficking networks, there she collaborated with an NGO to get young people out of the Phnom Penh garbage dump, and taught girls in a school in the Bronx slum in New York. «I get involved with my head and my heart»he assures.

In addition to working in hospitals, be teacher and researcher, Marian has written two books focused on mental wellbeing. A few years ago she published “How to Make Good Things Happen to You”, and recently: «Find your vitamin person».

Find your vitamin person

We live in an interrelational society, where communication, connection and bonds between people are very important, and much of their well-being depends on it.

However, There are people who are unable to connect in a healthy way with others due to emotional wounds, and emotional problems.

Find your vitamin person will help you better understand relationships with your loved ones, and understand your emotions. “This book will encourage you to find vitamin people: those who bring out the best in you, inspire you, support you and thereby improve your immune system.”

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