businesswoman Marcela Reyes is criticized for selling face masks with sequins and rhinestones. Internet users make fun of the DJ, as they assure that it is «a complete clown» in these times of coronavirus.
It should be remembered that the caleña starred in a video in which she discovers her partner being unfaithful to her with her best friend. The images and memes of her embarrassing moment went viral and made her famous.
Dj Marcela Reyes is criticized for selling face masks with sequins
These days, the issue of health and care of the respiratory tract is quite delicate, since The arrival of the coronavirus in Colombia has caused strong measures to be taken in this regard.
These measures consist of use of the mask in case of suffering symptoms associated with COVID-19 and constant hand washing, in addition to avoiding physical contact with others and avoiding encounters with more than 500 people.
Given the situation, there are those who have found business opportunities, such as the DJ and businesswoman Marcela Reyes, who after rising to fame for the controversial video in which she finds her partner being unfaithful, decided to take advantage of the arrival of the virus to launch a very particular line of face masks.
Well The model shared a photo in which she appears wearing a black face mask with sequins. This caught the attention of some of his followers who began to ask him about this «accessory», so the DJ decided to make a video to promote her «new» product.
The video immediately became a trend, as many Internet users made fun of the model and pointed out that it was a complete «slapstick», in addition to the fact that «it was an advantage».
And you, Do you think that what Marcela Reyes is doing with the “innovative” masks is good? Tell us in the comments!
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