Marbelle spoke about her relationship with her daughters Rafaella and Angie Cardona

Through insta stories, Marbelle talked about her relationship with her daughters Rafaella and Angie Cardona nowadays. It seems that it is not what many thought!

The ‘queen of the Tecnocarrilera’, who these days has been a trend for her controversial participation in the reality show MasterChef and his response to the xenophobic accusations of former Miss Universe Alicia Macadoa few months ago he made some revelations that left his fans quite pensive.

Well, through her networks, she stated that her relationship with her adopted daughter, Angie Cardona, was not going through its best moment, because she had decided to step aside and let herself make her own decisions, with which the singer would not have agreed very much.

Although there he assured that at no time was there any disagreement regarding their sexual orientationpointed out that they had a pending meeting to resolve some issues and, among other things, to meet their first grandson.

Since then, little has been known about the subject or about any meeting between Marbelle and her daughter; however, in the last hours the singer revealed that currently everything is very good between the 3.

Marbelle talked about her relationship with her daughters Rafaella and Angie Cardona

Through Instagram stories, the MasterChef participant and her daughter Rafaella carried out a dynamic in which their followers asked the two questions, which they answered with total sincerity.

At first, a user questioned them for almost never uploading photos with Angie, to which Marbelle replied:

“The first thing to clarify is that none of the three of us live together. The second thing that needs to be clarified is that Angie lives in another city and that is why we are hardly with her, and obviously we respect the privacy of each one of her a lot. ”

Immediately another Internet user wanted to find out if they were constantly in contact, so The singer assured that at all times they are aware of each other.

“Obviously if we talk to Angie. Obviously if we are always aware of each other. We have always been the three of us and we are always pending. We have a good relationship, if that is the question, and if we are good, we are super good.”

Later they revealed other details such as what they dislike about the other, why they are not living together and if they miss him, to which Rafaella answered yes but Marbelle assured that no, because she said that «they bother a lot» and since they left «she sleeps better».

Rafaella and Marbelle sang a cappella and made their fans fall in love

Almost at the end of the round of questions, a follower asked them why they did not release the song they sang together or if they would perform a new one, to which they responded by singing the renowned song ‘Hoy’ by Gloria Estefan.

And you, What do you think of the singer’s performance with her daughter? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your networks!