The former participant of the reality show ‘La Agencia’, Mara Cifuentes, poses in a bikini and the networks explode. Thousands of followers of the trans model assure that she looks absolutely beautiful.
In the past, Cifuentes caused a stir on social networks due to the publication of intimate photos of her ex-boyfriend, who apparently had been unfaithful to her.
Mara Cifuentes poses in a bikini and the networks explode, she looks like a heart attack!
The controversial trans model, Mara Cifuentes, who rose to fame due to his participation in the reality show ‘The agency’, Canal Caracol, once again becomes a trend.
This time, it is due to a sensual photo session taken on the beach; in it, he posed wearing a beautiful white bathing suit that left very little to the imagination of netizens.
The photos were posted on his official Instagram account and quickly reached more than 74,000 “likes”. At the time, his followers sent him hundreds of messages full of compliments.
“Beautiful”, “What a beautiful photo, I love that pose, a true Hollywood actress”, “Very very beautiful ??? infinite blessings!”are some of the comments sent to the model, who is currently based in the United States.
And you, what do you think about the statuesque figure of the trans model, Mara Cifuentes? Tell us through the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!
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