Manuela González was uncovered on Instagram

Manuela González was uncovered and for a very good reason. See why she showed herself like she never had before.

This Bogota actress, remembered for her role as Lorelay ‘Lay’ Cadena in the Telemundo production The Lord of the heavensdecided to show it all on Instagram.

The mother of two young childrenor usually publish such revealing images on their networks social, however, this time he had a personal reason.

Manuela González uncovered herself and turned on the nets

Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s go scramble for something worthwhile.

On April 4, the government issued decree 516 that authorizes changing the % of emission of national products in prime time for the duration of the quarantine.

The argument is that as a result of the situation with Covid-19 it cannot be produced and therefore the option is to fill the grid with foreign productions.

THE REALITY is that there is enough national material that has not yet been broadcast, (novels, series, Colombian cinema that not everyone got to see in theaters, etc.) to broadcast during these months of contingency. And so? Why this law?

Because in this way they save themselves from paying the collections of the Fanny Mickey law and the Pepe Sánchez law, further affecting a union that is already seeing itself very beaten.

But what worries me the most about all this is the effect it has on our identity as Colombians at a time when exactly what should be happening is the opposite: supporting each other, proudly putting on our shirts and encouraging each other with our productions!

With whom we identify, get closer and hopefully, we get a smile that lifts our spirits while all this happens.
So yes, today I am SHOCKED by this, and I wonder: where did all that about the ORANGE ECONOMY go, Mr. President?

wrote in the post

Below we share with you a copy of the decree to which the actress refers….

In the midst of the emergency that thousands of cultural workers are experiencing in their homes, Decree 516 of the MINTIC falls like a bucket of cold water. Below I explain why.

I open thread

– Manuel Sarmiento (@mjsarmientoa) April 5, 2020

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with the reduction in the screen percentage of national productions? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!