Manicure with scorpions causes controversy on the internet

Impressive video of a girl getting a manicure in which baby scorpions are encapsulated in her nails sparks controversy among internet users.

Are human beings cruel by nature? We don’t know, but cases like this make us reflect on how far we can go with our dominance over other species. Many of us justify the death of other beings when we use them as food, but we think twice when it comes to wild animals and their use only points towards luxuryas it happens with fur coats.

This is really impressive. This image has begun to be shared on Instagram, and although many believe that it is a sticker, the chilling truth is that it’s a real little animal, a baby scorpion!

The Peta organization, which defends the rights of animals, has denounced this manicure trend with baby scorpions that is carried out in Mexico as if it were a craft. Check out the awesome video…

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“Scorpions are less than a week old when they are killed by ‘nail art.’ While most of us don’t know scorpions as well as we know cats and dogs, they are great animals that shouldn’t be killed by fashion. They can live in some fairly inhospitable environments and glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. Mother scorpions carry their babies on their backs two weeks after they hatch, unless of course the babies are killed and applied to someone’s fingernails. peta latin.

also vibrates with: Nails are now used… Hairy?

Please, share this note on social networks to raise awareness about animal cruelty innocent and defenseless and tell us, what do you think of this manicure with little baby scorpions? Write what you think in the comments of this note.