Mandalas hidden meaning, spiritual, esoteric, Buddhist and colors

Mandalas hidden meaning The word mandala, which comes from the classical Hindu language or Sanskrit, is a diagram formed by geometric figures arranged on a circumference in a symmetrical and organized way, in relation to what you want to capture.

It can be a drawing, although it can also be represented by stone or sand. Let’s see, then, the hidden, spiritual, esoteric, Buddhist and color meaning mandalas.


its symbolism

Mandalas hidden and spiritual meaning (esoteric) The mandala is the answer that men, from all cultures, found to explain the place that we as humans occupy in a world in which the celestial spheres and the microscopic exist, that which our eyes do not see but our body does feel.

The well-known Ying and Yang sign represents the basic mandala, a circumference where the feminine and the masculine complement each other and integrate since each color has a small sample of the color of its antagonistic element. The Ying sign has a circle of the color of Yang inside it, and vice versa, a circle that makes two opposites indivisible and interdependent, as happens with all the organisms that make up the universe.

Mesoamericans, medieval men and Eastern monks agreed to see the world as a complete whole, an integral world in which life was interrelated. The shape chosen to capture this idea of ​​unity was inspired by the stars that dominated light and darkness, within these circular shapes another circle would be included, which represented the interrelation of all things. From there the esoteric mandala was born.

In the American continent, the Aztecs and Mayans made the circular calendar one of their greatest expressions, through this circumference of stone full of symbols and color, the conception of the world and time slept in an orderly way. The Navajo Indians were famous for their sand mandalas and their creation and dissolution ceremonies, extremely similar to those performed by Tibetan monks.


Mandalas hidden and spiritual meaning (in the body or mandala tattoo meaning) Unlike other mandalas, the body mandala is very different; it is full of percussion and rhythmic dynamism. Basically, the body mandala is a recreation and idealization of the human body. The parts are imagined as parts of the mandala inhabited by the Buddhas and other deities.

The body mandala theory represents the human body and its senses, organs, veins and nervous system as a pure entity. Painted representations of the human body such as mandalas are found in the Hindu, Buddhist, Bon, and Taoist religions.

In Tantric Buddhism, the body mandala was used as a spiritual teacher to teach in the major Anuttarayoga practice systems such as Guhyasamaja, Vajrayogini, Chakrasamvara, and Hevajra Tantras.


Mandalas occult and spiritual meaning (in the form of a butterfly) The butterfly mandala design focuses on the insect’s metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly. The butterfly mandala symbolizes the ability to gracefully move from a past to a new state.

Butterfly symbolism also focuses on transcendence and personal growth. Our life is very much like that of a butterfly. We spend the first few years of our lives in the “caterpillar” stage, but slowly and gracefully, we transform into a new situation.

Butterflies symbolize the embodiment of the divine feminine that opens our energies to the path of life. They are full of so much grace and tenderness.

The butterfly mandala encourages us to meditate and let go of any fears we may have. This is a healthy way to let go of emotional pain; It takes time, but it is very effective in forgetting the injustices of the past.

In general, the butterfly mandala symbolizes our ability to pursue change and growth in the emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of our lives.

In addition, these pieces convey a source of beauty, grace and tenderness. Natural gemstones are added to the jewelry to further enhance its transition and healing effects.


Mandalas occult and spiritual meaning (circular) The circle is the heart of all mandalas. Circular mandala designs have a wide variety of meanings; adding new circles within a mandala gives it a whole new meaning.

The purpose of having a circle inside the mandala is so that the viewers are drawn into it and feel as if they are inside the mandala. This phenomenon is common in all circles. That is why mandalas are built using this concept. From our definition above, we note that the word mandala literally translates as circle. When you have the feeling of being drawn in, you are encouraged to feel as if you are part of the mandala design and focus all your thoughts on it.

Circular mandalas are very useful in helping people to concentrate and focus more when they are meditating. The circular mandala symbolizes the unity and totality of the divinity incarnated in man. Circles can also be perceived to represent completion or a new beginning. Circle mandala art is available in a wide variety of color combinations and unlimited patterns.

This flexibility gives the artist a lot of freedom to express themselves creating any design they like. Coloring a circular mandala has great therapeutic effects. You can color using pencils, crayons, pastels, or even charcoal.

Circular mandala patterns can be seen embedded in art, sculptures, jewelry, paintings, and tattoos. Patterns can be complex or simple, and colors can be bold or muted.


Mandalas occult and spiritual meaning (Cosmological and geographical) The cosmological and geographical mandala symbolizes the four continents together with Mount Sumeru, the universe, various types of cosmology, sacred realms and pure lands such as Tushita, Sukhavati, Shambhala or the Pure Land of the Medicine Buddha. The mandala features a cosmic diagram illustrating Indo-Himalayan imagery.

In the center of the mandala is the mythological mountain, Mount Sumeru. The mountain is represented by an inverted pyramid with a lotus at the top. The lotus symbolizes purity. At the base of the mountain there is a representation of the sun and the moon. A three-legged bird and the moon represent the sun through a rabbit.


Mandalas occult and spiritual meaning (healing mandala) The healing mandala design promotes deep reflection, relieves stress and helps us to heal emotionally. Its design is usually quite simple, since its objective is to cultivate concentration and peace that brings a sense of healing. If the designs were very complex, they would not invoke a sense of calm.

For years, the mandala has been used by therapists and counselors as a therapeutic tool. They usually have the patient do a coloring exercise to help them relax. The goal of this form of artistic expression is to encourage self-expression while keeping the mind free from distractions.

An example of a healing mandala is the yin-yang symbol which has proven to be very helpful when it comes to bringing balance to the mind.


Mandalas occult and spiritual meaning (Heart Mandala) The heart mandala has a heart in its center. The heart generally symbolizes attraction and love. It is also a symbol of femininity and sensuality, unity and cohesion. The heart mandala symbol can represent love between family members, partners and friends.

The heart symbol has a strong connection to the triangle. For this reason, it is also said to be related to the element of water, which is represented as an inverted triangle. The relationship between the two means psychic perception.


Mandalas hidden and spiritual meaning (Buddhist) Buddhists used the mandala as a meditation tool to free themselves from the endless cycle of death and rebirth.

The mandala helps find enlightenment and healing during meditation, helping people find peace once the meditation is complete.

In Buddhism, mandalas contain squares and circles within the main circle.

Each square and circle within the mandala has its own meaning. The circles are a representation of the cosmos and the squares symbolize the earthly levels. Each square and circle is considered a «level» through which to pass to reach the center of the mandala. Once you have reached the center of the mandala, you will have passed from an ordinary mind to an enlightened mind.

Finding your way to the center of the mandala is symbolic of finding your way in the universe.

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What does each color mean?

Colors can mean:

  • Mandala meaning of colors White: Purity.
  • Mandala meaning of colors Yellow: sun and light energy.
  • Mandala meaning of colors Green; nature, balance.
  • Mandala meaning of colors Purple: mysticism, esoteric, spiritual.
  • Mandala meaning of orange colors: energy, vitality, creativity.
  • Mandala meaning of colors Blue: peace, relaxation, tranquility.
  • Mandala meaning of colors Black: mystery, unknown.


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