It is not necessary to be exotic to get attention, proof of this is the Malvavisco plant. It will captivate you with its simple beauty and convince you that it is the perfect plant to be in your garden. Not only that, besides being an ornamental and perfect species to complement the decoration of a place, It is a medicinal plant that yes or if you must have at hand due to its multiple benefits in the human body.
Definitely, The Malvavisco plant is the winning combo of the Plantlovers As a curious fact you should know that its root is used to elaborate the delicious caramels of Malvisco. Thus, you have more than one reason to have this seedling near you, which elevates your whole space with its freshness and joy.
The Malvavisco plant was grown in the monasteries and gardens of Europe during the Middle Ages.Yuri Antonenko / Unspash
History and origin of the Malvisco plant
The Althaea officinaliscommonly known as MALVISCO OR COMMON MALVAit is a perennial plant that is a family member Malvaceae. Its history goes back to antiquity, being a medicinal plant highly appreciated by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
Its origin is found in the wet regions of Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. The ancient Greeks and Romans not only used it for medicinal purposes, they also considered it a edible plant. In the Middle Ages, the Althaea officinalis It was grown in the monasteries and gardens of Europewhere it was valued both for its healing properties and its culinary utility.
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What are the characteristics of the Malvisco plant?
The Malvavisco plant is a herbaceous species which can reach between 1 and 1.5 meters high, as long as it receives the necessary care; Also, their stems are erect, robust and covered with a fine hair.
The leaves of this plant are Grown green coloroval or triangular, with fledged edges and a hairy surface that gives them a beautiful velvety texture that, in fact, is one of its greatest characteristics.