Maltese cross spiritual, esoteric, mystical and metaphysical meaning

Maltese cross spiritual meaning There are several types of cross with different meanings, such as the crosses of the Catholic religion and even of Greek mythology. However, the Maltese cross is one of the most famous, from an esoteric point of view, after the cross of Christ.

Let’s see, next, the maltese cross spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Maltese cross spiritual meaning #1 Strong soul The main meaning of the Maltese cross is that of a strong soul. This means that this symbol has the power to send you an important message. In the event that your spirit is going through a moment of great power.

Given all this, it is the ideal time to further strengthen your soul and seek quality alternatives for life.

Therefore, having a powerful soul capable of sustaining a worthwhile existence is something everyone desires. It is the kind of spiritual message that must be absorbed very carefully, in order to receive the message in the best way.

Use the power of your spirit to empower your life and evolve more in every way. Take advantage of the spiritual message of the Maltese cross for good.


Maltese cross spiritual meaning #2 Free spirit You have a free and unbridled spirit. At least, this is one of the spiritual messages of the maltese cross. In this way, the symbol shows that your soul yearns for freedom and unique experiences.

Your way of interacting with life is something incredible, capable of opening many doors. Spiritually, adventures are part of your essence.

So give freedom to your spiritual side. Explore this part of yourself more and learn about your spirituality.


Maltese cross spiritual meaning #3 Power of change The Maltese cross also signifies the power of change. From a spiritual point of view, it shows that it is possible to transform in an intense and relevant way.

The power to change your soul and the designs of your heart is in you. Spiritually, there is a desire on your part to transform everything around you.

It is something legitimate, really capable of generating well-being. The truth is that the spirit needs some stirring, although some more than others.

This ability to change therefore means that there is a certain level of intensity associated with your soul. His, in particular, has a desire to change if he is seeing too much of the Maltese cross.


maltese cross spiritual meaning#4 spiritual stability Seeing or dreaming of the Maltese cross further refers to spiritual stability. This is because while the symbol is a representation of the adventurous strength of the human spirit, it also shows that the soul must be stable in order to pursue such adventures.

With a certain degree of spiritual instability, it will not be possible to achieve your main goals.

When soul and body connect, spiritual problems hit your life hard. In this sense, stability is fundamental to the positivity of the soul.

The Maltese cross means exactly that, that force that serves as the basis to drive life. The Maltese cross is itself a representation of the power of the spirit.


Maltese cross spiritual meaning #5 The power of the soul Another meaning commonly attributed to the Maltese cross is that of representing the power of the soul. Sometimes, many people believe that the spirit does not have such relevant powers.

Therefore, do not focus on this part of your life. However, abandoning the spirit is something that can create various problems for your future path.

In this sense, the Maltese cross often appears as a reminder of the power that your soul has. Therefore, it is natural that this symbol appears sometimes with the message that more attention should be paid to the spiritual side.

After all, your life in the physical world is greatly affected by what happens to your soul. Therefore, it is not advisable to let go of the power of your spirit.


Maltese cross spiritual meaning #6 Love Close love can also be announced by the Maltese cross. Thus, there is the possibility that the spiritual connection with another person is announced to him through the appearance of the symbol.

But this only happens in cases where the spiritual connection is intense. Therefore, by implying love, the maltese cross evidences a powerful connection between two people.


Maltese cross spiritual meaning #7 Faith The Maltese cross is also famous for representing faith. Therefore, it symbolizes a soul that has strong beliefs.

This symbol shows that the spirit of the person is strong enough to resist the blows of the world and continue to maintain the faith. In this sense, the scenario is positive and shows that faith is in the midst of its spiritual makeup.


Maltese cross spiritual meaning #8 The truth The Maltese cross can also indicate that a soul is true. This symbol usually appears to people with the message that their spiritual side is something powerful and only admits the truth.

True souls are lighter and purer. Therefore, they tend to evolve more easily and better accept the meaning of life. Therefore, it is a positive definition provided by the Maltese cross.


Other symbolism

Maltese cross mystical and metaphysical meaning The Maltese cross also represents the hidden side of people. Spiritually, it shows that everyone has a version of themselves that is hidden. This part is not easily shown, so it is necessary to look for the darkest side of each one of us.

Mysticism is latent in everyone. Especially from a spiritual point of view, there is a lack of interest in knowing everything that is inside of you.

In this sense, it is necessary to investigate more and more the spiritual side. The Maltese cross highlights this scenario.

Maltese cross esoteric meaning For esotericism, the Maltese cross has a very particular meaning. In this case, the meaning is connection with a dark side of your personality.

The Maltese cross is the symbol that indicates the need to really connect with your whole being. There are parts of you that are more open to the world than others.

Therefore, these more closed parts must come to light. And the Maltese cross serves precisely to remember it, showing that you have to delve into yourself in search of evolution as an individual.

After all, if you cannot investigate the hidden side of yourself, there is no way you can succeed in dealing with the mysticism of life.

Delve into your personality in search of the deepest understanding of all your parts. This is what the Maltese cross represents for esotericism.


Other crosses and their symbolism

In addition to the traditional cross that we know, the one on which Jesus Christ was crucified, there are other types that have other meanings.

However, despite the variety of forms and symbols or meanings, the cross originally means or wants to represent faith in Jesus Christ and it does not matter if it is in any religion, it will always be Jesus Christ.

Types of cross and their meanings #1 Christian Cross: Definitely the best known Christian symbol, which is also called the Latin Cross. The Romans used it to execute criminals. Therefore, it reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ offered for the sins of people. In addition to the crucifixion, it represents the resurrection and eternal life.

Types of cross and their meanings #2 Cross of Saint Andrew: A symbol of humility and suffering, it takes its name from Saint Andrew, who begged his executioners not to crucify him like his Lord because he considered himself unworthy. It is believed that the saint was martyred on a cross in this shape.

Types of cross and their meanings #3 Cross of San Antonio (Tau): It got its name because it reproduces the Greek letter Tau. It is considered by many to be the cross of prophecy and the Old Testament. Among its numerous representations are the two-headed hammer, as a sign of one who enforces divine law, which is found in Egyptian culture, and the representation of the pole used by Moses to lift the serpent in the desert.

Types of cross and their meanings #4 The Cross of Anu: Used by Assyrians and Chaldeans to represent their god Anu. This symbol suggests the radiance of divinity in all directions of space.

Types of cross and their meanings #5 Ankh or ansata: The Ansata Cross consisted of a hieroglyph that represented regeneration and eternal life. The idea that expresses its symbolism is that of the circle of life on the surface of inert matter. There is also an interpretation that makes an analogy of its shape with man, where the circle represents his head, the horizontal axis the arms and the vertical axis the rest of the body.

Types of cross and their meanings #6 Swastika: The swastika represents the energy of the cosmos in motion, giving it two different meanings. First the destructive one, in which its «arms» move to the right and represent the evolutionary movement of the universe. Second is the sinister, in which when it moves to the left, it recalls an involutionary dynamic. In the last century, this cross acquired a bad reputation by being associated with the Nazi political-ideological movement.

Types of cross and their meanings #7 Patriarchal Cross: Also known as the Cruz de Lorena and Cruz de Caravaca, it has a smaller “arm” that represents the inscription placed by the Romans on the cross of Jesus. It was often used by the bishops and princes of the old Christian Church and by the Jesuits in the missions of southern Brazil.

Types of cross and their meanings #8 Jerusalem Cross: Formed by a group of crosses, it has a main cross in the center, which represents the law of the Old Testament and four smaller crosses arranged in different corners, which represent the fulfillment of this law in the Gospel of Christ. This cross was adopted by the Crusaders thanks to Godofredo de Bula, the first Christian king to set foot in Jerusalem, representing the expansion of the gospel to the four corners of the earth.

Types of cross and their meanings #9 Easter Cross: Called by some the Slavic Cross, it has an upper «arm» that represents the INRI inscription, placed during the crucifixion of Christ, and another lower and inclined, of doubtful meaning, of which the belief that an earthquake occurred during the crucifixion caused its inclination.

The Types of cross and their meanings #10 Cross of Calvary: Supported by three steps that represent the ascent of Jesus to Calvary, this cross exalts faith, hope and love in its symbolism.

Types of cross and their meanings #11 Rosa Cruz: The members of the Rosa Cruz usually explain their meaning. They interpret it as the body of a man, who with open arms greets the Sun and with the rose on his chest allows the light to help his spirit to develop and flourish. When placed in the center of the cross, the rose represents a point of unity.

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