Mother Nature intended one primary purpose: procreation. According to this, bitches go into heat at certain times.
This is not always easy and funny for our furry friends. So, in the following guide, we address the question «How can I make heat easier for my male dog?» more precisely to the reason.
Make it easier for the male to heat a bitch – that’s how it works
Every dog owner who has an unneutered male dog knows the following challenge: play the hormones crazydo this also the quadruped.
It is therefore not uncommon for the dog to jump at everything that is not out of its reach quickly enough.
All the «worse» if your male dog has a bitch in heat sniffed has – and this can be at even greater distances.
pull on the leash, no longer listen to commands and in the worst case, drag the dog owner behind you – not unusual when nature calls.
Do you think this is uncomfortable for you? Then put yourself in the place of your four-legged friend. He can’t help it – he is driven by instinct. And this means that your common sense absolutely no longer counts here.
In short: this is also the time for your male dog quite exhausting. He can really suffer from the heat of a bitch.
1. castration
Is your unneutered male suffering? And then there’s a very effective methodto make it easier for your male dog to heat in the future.
And yes, in a way, this is the most drastic step to help your male dog come into heat.
Because the castration has it with the hormones. And with it the desire to run after a bitch in heat for the purpose of reproduction.
You should definitely discuss with your veterinarian whether castration or a castration chip is sensible and necessary for your male dog!
2. Keep away from the smell
Luckily, there are some things besides neutering that aren’t quite as drastic. These can help to make the period of heat a little more relaxed for everyone involved.
A bitch in heat beams intense smell out of. Hardly perceptible to us, it is a real olfactory club for the sensitive dog nose.
By hugging your dog as much as possible far from that smell hold, you help him through the period of heat.
Our tip:
If the bitch in heat also lives with you, you can effectively prevent the smell as follows. Namely, by using a so-called enzyme spray use. This eliminates the smell of the bitch.
3. make you tired
Sleep is the best medicine. And that also applies to a male dog who «mourns» after a bitch in heat.
So just making your dog tired can help. When he sleeps, he is no longer distracted.
Of course they are suitable for this long walks – not near the bitch – as well as game units.
4. Separate male and female dogs
If a male and a bitch in heat live in one apartment, it is one spatial separation of the two unavoidable in the period of heat.
It can be enough for that, the two dogs in separate rooms to keep. Again, you should keep the smell to a minimum. An enzyme spray is again ideal for this purpose. You apply this to the bitch’s tail.
In fact, for male dogs, heat is pure stress. And this stress can at worst, lead to serious illnesses. As amusing as “a male goes crazy when a bitch is in heat” may sound – it is just as little amusing for this one.
My male suffers because the bitch is in heat – other aids
Not only the points mentioned above will help your dog to better endure a bitch in heat. Other things are also possible to make this time less stressful.
1. Tablets
Tablets can also help your male dog to get through the mating season stress-free. Certain preparations are suitable here, which you can get from the vet, among other things.
Most often, these are natural medicines that contain plants and herbs. These include moringa, passion flower and verbena as well as the taiga root. Valerian can also help.
2. Home remedies
Most veterinarians generally advise against home remedies. The methods presented here are less about potentially medical means.
In fact, going for a walk is one of the home remedies you can use to help your dog. Because a lot of walking means getting tired quickly.
In addition, you can try to make the surroundings of your male dogs as irritating as possible. That means: If possible, don’t let him near a bitch in heat.
Good to know:
Never let your dog off the leash on walks! Because he’s gone faster than you can see – and you may be the proud owner of puppies or get into a fight with the bitch owners.
3. Homeopathy
There are also some homeopathic remedies that are supposed to help during periods of heat. This includes, among other things, chaste tree. This plant is said to reduce sex drive.
Dost, also known as origanum or oregano, is also said to have a supporting effect.
Last but not least, St. Stephen’s herb and the common toad are among the homeopathic remedies that can accompany your male dog through the heat phase of a female dog without stress.
4. Bach flowers
Where we have already mentioned them, we will briefly go into more detail about the Bach flower therapy. These are not flowers, but certain plants and herbs. These are said to have a special healing effect.
In addition to St. Stephen’s herb, these Bach flowers are among the most effective in making heat easier for a male: European larch, common horse chestnut, yellow rock rose and cherry plum.
5. CBD Oil
You may have heard of this not-so-new wonder drug. CBD is cannabidiol. This is obtained from the female hemp plants.
The difference to marijuana: The intoxicating THC is not present here. CBD oil is available in different dosages or strengths.
One of the suspected properties: It has a calming effect and is often given to our four-legged friends in stressful situations.
Getting used to a male dog when she is in heat – is that possible?
It may be possible – but it is a real challenge. Someone might be able to help here Dog school or dog trainer. Here the male dog can, so to speak, learn control in challenging situations.
In general, however, it probably makes more sense to implement the tips mentioned here. This is a better way to support your dog than by trying to suppress his nature.
It is not easy to get a male dog used to a bitch who is in heat. But it’s not impossible either.
Of course, this phase is exhausting for both four-legged friends – and also for you as the owner. It is therefore all the more important that the dog is supported with a few little tricks to get the heat over with without much stress.
If you have had your own experiences in this area, please share them with us in the comments!