In the world of minerals, diversity overflows by presenting us with stones of different shapes, sizes and colors. Among the colors that tend to attract more attention from connoisseurs and consumers in this market are green stones.

In general, the versions of green stones coincide in their beauty and economic value in the market, and this is not due to causality. The fact that people are attracted to this color responds to its energy as a tone associated with fertility, nature and money. In turn, it is a tone that does not have positive or negative connotations, but rather is considered intermediate.

Given that green results from the union between yellow and blue in various concentrations and shades, there are more than 100 variations of this color and this is evident in the main green stones, such as:

Emerald: It is the best known green stone in the world and one of the four precious stones next to the diamond, the ruby ​​​​and the sapphire. The history of this gem dates back to Ancient Egypt where Cleopatra—admittedly a fanatic about her beauty—ordered the mines to be exploited to make jewelry.

Later, with the Spanish colonization, the existence of a much better quality specimen of this valuable mineral was discovered on Colombian soil, becoming the country’s national stone and one of its main export products.

Tourmaline: It is one of the national stones of Brazil and one of the few precious stones that are found in all unimaginable colors, including green. Green tourmalines come in different versions, the best known being chrome tourmaline and cat’s eye.

Chrome tourmaline is derived from tourmalines which have traces of chromium and are responsible for its deep green color. This version is found particularly in Africa and is available in fairly small sizes.

For its part, the cat’s eye tourmaline differs from the others, for its warm green.

Due to its characteristic color, green tourmalines are considered a protective element, capable of eliminating mental and spiritual toxins in those who carry it and believe in its power.

Imperial Jade: This type of jade, distinguished by its green tone, is a species that comes from Asian countries such as China and Burma. In both cultures it has always been related to earthly power as well as energetic properties and it is for this reason that it is known as “Sky Stone.”

Given its ancestral value, there is an Asian saying that emphasizes its importance and says: «anyone can put a price on gold, but jade is priceless»

Among other virtues, jade is considered an ideal stone to attract money, fortune in love and good energy to the physical spaces in which it is used.