Gemstones often seduce us by their brilliance and color. One of the most attractive colors when it comes to gems is blue., since they are found in their various intensities, one more incredible than another. From this group we will highlight a selection of the main blue gemstones.

Blue gemstones may contain ferrous iron, titanium and chrome—in greater or lesser concentration—which are the elements responsible for giving them this color. Some have extra elements, such as turquoise that receives its color from white amorphous.

The best known blue gemstones are:

Sapphire: It is the second precious gem after the diamond and is mainly produced in Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Kashmir.

A large number of positive characteristics weigh on the sapphire, ranging from its economic value to its alchemical properties that consider it a stone that symbolizes tranquility, truth and sincerity and nurtures human relationships with peace, wisdom and joy.

Turquoise: This stone has one of the most popular colors in the world of jewelry, which varies in intensity depending on its concentration of white amorphous.

Turquoise was a stone of great value for the Egyptian culture, where there are still deposits, but it was considered of lesser value due to its low level of brightness. Currently the largest producers of turquoise are Iran, Afghanistan, the United States, Mexico and Canada.

The sapphire has always been considered a kind of talisman to attract good luck and to achieve self-confidence.

Aquamarine: it is a type of quartz admired for the beauty of its tones. The main producer is Brazil, which stands out for the quality of the stones, since although there are many places in the world where this stone exists, not all of them are suitable for cutting and transformation, given the weakness of its tones.

Other important deposits are in Australia, Myanmar, China, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Aquamarine is often associated with processes that serve to mitigate emotional problems and with the impulse of great deeds and actions.

Tanzanite: Unlike the main blue colored stones that we mention in our list, Tanzanite is a stone that gained recognition as “the gemstone of the 20th century” when it was discovered in 1967 in Tanzania. Since then its color and brilliance—often compared to sapphire—attracted the world’s leading jewelry houses.

So far, the only known deposit of tanzanite is in the Merelani Hills area near Ausha, ten miles south of the Tanzania International Airport.

Given its location in only one place in the world, it is considered a very exclusive stone of high economic value, where it finds especially attractive qualities in treatment and color and that do not require much investment to extract them.

The main precious stones coincide in their value and admiration in the commercial world. And it is that, its color is one of the favorites between men and women and has always been related to positive qualities for the human being.