Talking about magical peoples forces us to take a look at each of the statessince everyone has more than one, but not being in the same territory means that they are equal or that they offer the same. In fact, the variety, even in the same place, is incredible.
Puebla had 10 Magical peoples Until last year, among those who stand out Zacatlán or Cholula for their popularity; However, in the recent Addition of Magical Peoples To the list of the whole country, the State added two more, so it now has 12 and all have incredible activities, natural scenarios and essential architecture, do you want to meet them?
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From the center of Atlixco you can see the Popocatepetl volcano in all its splendor, especially when it is cold, although it is one of the warmest towns in Puebla. It also has several ideal nurseries to cool off and take many photos, especially in the Municipal Palace, famous for its murals full of color and tradition, since they represent the community.
In Chignahuapan there are spheres all year.ELESBAN LANDERO BERRIOZÁBAL / UNSPLASH.
One of Chignahuapan's best known attractions is the beautiful lagoon that is as crystalline as few in the country. Similarly, Quisco Mudejar is a postcard impossible to forget. However, this region is characterized by being a spheres -making town, because all year is full of them, which are made with the blow of blown glass. Also, every year, during the last days of October and the first of November, the National Tree and the Sphere Fair is held, so producers can sell their products without intermediary.