Magical properties of parsley and ritual with parsley to attract money

Magical properties of parsley Parsley is an annual or biennial herb of the umbelliferae family. It is hairless, shiny dark green in color and has a characteristic odour. The greenish-yellow flowers are grouped in compound umbels, each with 6-20 unequal rays.

The parsley It is native to southern Europe and the East. It is grown in orchards to be used as a condiment, and sometimes it is found in the wild near towns and villages.

Various cultivation races are known: common parsley, with fairly wide and flat leaf segments, curly, with curly leaves, thick root, etc.


magical properties of parsley

Parsley is associated with good luck, communication with other planes, protection, purification, reincarnation, health, strength, vitality, divination, passion, meditation, rituals to attract money and customers in a store.

Since ancient times, the magical properties of parsley have been well known. Homer tells in his Odyssey, from the 6th century BC, that the island of the nymph Calypso was covered with parsley to which her natives gave an aphrodisiac use: the nymph seduced Ulysses with this plant.

For the Greeks, parsley was sacred, and they cultivated it not only as a condiment but also as a lucky plant, and it symbolized resurrection among them: Greeks and Romans placed wreaths of parsley on their tombs. It always had a halo of mystery, perhaps due to the disturbing slowness with which it germinates.

Gladiators wore it in combat because it gave them cunning and strength. He had medical applications. According to Aristotle, introducing parsley juice through the cervix induces abortion, and introduced into the vagina makes women with regulation problems lower their period; eaten in a salad on an empty stomach, it was used as a contraceptive; in fact, even today some healers cause abortions by giving the woman a tisane laden with parsley, or by making her eat it raw.

In rural areas, it is still believed that given as an infusion it combats constipation, being taken as a tonic and stimulant. He was credited with the gift of preventing hair loss and making it grow.

Charlemagne made it fashionable and had it planted in the gardens of his palace in the 9th century.

It is a strange belief to think that parsley grows faster if it is planted by a woman; but it has a negative counterpart for the man: in a house where there is a very lush parsley, it is most likely that it is the woman who wears the pants.


Ritual with parsley to attract money

In Cuban Santeria, parsley is often associated with the plant that helps attract money. Then a spell to achieve this goal.

Ingredients and special utensils:

1 handful of parsley


1 pot

5 yellow roses

5 drops of essential oil patchouli

1 tablespoon of honey


In a pot, boil the parsley with the yellow roses and the drops of patchouli essential oil. When it cools, add honey and dissolve. The bathtub is filled and this preparation is added to the bath. These baths should be taken five times a week, but never on a Saturday or Sunday.


Rituals with cinnamon and parsley so that people with bad energies do not enter the house

Ingredients and special utensils:

a handful of parsley

2 cinnamon sticks

1 white cloth bag

Holy Water


Cinnamon and parsley are chopped. It is mixed well, moistened with water and placed in a white cloth bag. Pass the bag around all the places where people with bad energy could enter your house. Final considerations: If you add camphor, bought at the pharmacy, to the recipe, it will be more effective.


also know

Parsley essential oil for skin and hair

Parsley: Benefits, contraindications and side effects

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