Magical and esoteric properties (plant)

Mullein magical properties Mullein is a plant native to North America and Europe, which grows in arid places. It is an erect, biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of the Scrophulariaceae family that can measure up to 1.5 m in height, all covered with whitish tomentum and practically odourless.

The leaves are alternate, sessile, oblong-lanceolate or spatulate, about 3 cm long.

The flowers are yellow, grouped in disciform flower heads, which form terminal inflorescences, with white papyraceous bracts.


Mullein healing properties

Mullein has a pectoral, expectorant, slightly anti-inflammatory, sedative and astringent effect.

Dioscorides, the popular ancient Greek physician, prescribed mullein as a remedy for eye ailments, toothaches, and poisonous spider bites. In addition to the extensive list of healing properties that it has, it is also appreciated as a beautiful ornamental plant adaptable to all types of soil that enjoys a moderate climate.

With mullein flowers, an oil is prepared that is highly used to combat asthma, bronchitis, persistent cough and inflammation in the throat. The infusion prepared with the dehydrated leaves is prescribed as an auxiliary remedy against tuberculosis and bronchopneumonia. Likewise, the tincture is prescribed as a potion against respiratory ailments and sinusitis. Let’s see, next, mullein magical properties


mullein magical properties

In esoteric traditions, mullein is used to healing, love, the future, banishment, bravery, and security. One spell, performed at a crossroads (often calling on Hecate) includes smoking mullein to communicate with spirits and deities ruling such areas.

If you want to avoid nightmares, put a small bag of mullein under your pillow. Alternatively, bathing in this herb makes you brave and keeps enemies at bay. Ancient witches are said to have used the stems as an alternative to candles to cleanse random psychic energy.

There is a certain dichotomy with mullein in various traditions. Some say that the association with fire, Saturn and Jupiter make it a nightmare for sorcerers. However, many other stories tell of witches using this herb in numerous rituals and charms.

From a divinatory perspective, mullein appears in the Herbal Tarot as the four swords. In this representation, the swords reveal power. The mullein may symbolize a time of healing or perhaps a new gateway to work with spiritual entities.


Superstitions with mullein

19th century love potion recipes defended mullein for love magic

Mullein in your garden drives away moody spirits

Mullein poultices applied to sprains are said to reduce inflammation.

When smoked, the Navajo felt that this herb reduced negative thoughts, swearing, and also offered relief from mental disorders.


spell with mullein

In nations like India and Nepal, mullein has been used for centuries to remove negativity, ward off ill will, and ward off psychic attacks.

To do this, a dozen mullein flowers should be placed in a window facing the street at new moon and changed as soon as they wither.

Likewise, mullein can be planted in a pot and placed in the window or behind the main door of the house.

If it is observed that the plant is dying, it is necessary to change it immediately. Do not throw the dying plant in the trash or near your home. It is necessary to take her to a forest, park, etc. and leave it there. The fact that he is dying means that someone is trying to attack him psychically. From there it should not be left at home but away from it. so that the negative influence is far away..

Likewise, you can make a purple velvet bag and place a few flower petals inside. Always carry with you in your wallet or inside your underwear.


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